How to Play Leagues of Votann & Rules Review

leagues-of-votann-rules-40k-finalHere’s how to play Leagues of Votann from their 9th edition Warhammer 40k Codex including their latest rules and models.

Let’s start off by looking at the new releases for the Leagues of Votann and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Leagues of Votann Army Box: $200

Get your Army Box for less on Amazon or eBay

leagues of votann army set

The first wave of Kin includes Ûthar the Destined – who you can also build as a Kâhl – a formidable Einhyr Champion, three nippy Hernkyn Pioneers, and 20 Hearthkyn Warriors who can be taken as two squads of 10 to fill out a Patrol Detachment.

It’s the first place to acquire the 104-page Codex: Leagues of Votann – with an exclusive cover no less – alongside a pack of 50 datacards and two transfer sheets filled with the symbols and logos of the major Leagues. Everything in this set will be available separately later – except that exclusive codex cover.

While these sold out fast from GW, both Amazon and eBay still have boxes left (at the time of writing this) and can still be found cheaper than from GW.

How to Play Leagues of Votann In Warhammer 40k & Rules Review

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Leagues of Votann rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Leagues of Votann codex!

Leagues of Votann New 40k Codex Rules, Abilities, & Detachments

If you’re considering playing Leagues of Votann, these new rules are a great way to decide what to build your army around from the codex book!

Leagues of Votann book


Leagues of Votann book 2They gain a decent number of special rules, maybe the coolest rules are the League Customs, as they really let them gain some insane bonuses. However, keep in mind you can only have one Kahl per detachment.

Leagues of Votann book 3They follow all the standard rules for making an army, so that is nice to see.

Leagues of Votann Rules 3The judgment tokens are actually insane and can turn your attacks into wounds without much issue. They also have special rules to add judgment tokens, so they can get out of hand quickly. If you can get three tokens on a unit, you are auto-wounding on 4+!

This can make all those high-toughness units out there feel real bad.

Leagues of Votann book 4The HunTR is an interesting way to say how many attacks they get, but they had to sort of do something to denote them for other rules and stratagems.

Update: The Judgement ability has been FAQed by GW to read as follows:

Page 86 – Eye of the Ancestors, 5th paragraph
Change to read:
‘Note, if an attack automatically wounds the target as the result
of this ability, then for the purposes of any other rules that
are triggered on a particular wound roll, that attack is never
considered to have been made with an unmodified wound
roll of 6.’

So, how do you get judgement tokens? Well, any time a unit destroys one of your units, any time a unit completes an action, and you just get to select one unit near an objective at the end of your opponent’s turns as well.

Leagues of Votann book 5Magna-Rail weapons are insane! You ignore invulnerable saves to start; then, any wound rolls of a six do not lose excess damage. So if you can shoot this at a unit of big baddies, you can kill multiple with one shot. Steady Advance lets you ignore any move modifiers and advance an auto 3″.

Lastly, their void armor stops any re-rolls for wounds or damage and reduces AP by 1!

Beam Weapons

Leagues of Votann book 6This can give you some serious damage if you manage to line up a big shot and get three or four units in the beam’s way.

New Leagues of Votann Rules Revealed by GW

The 40k rules were unveiled by Warhammer Community; let’s check out what the Leagues of Votann can do!

Leagues of Votann Rules

Power Levels aren’t a great indicator of actual points, but this could be anywhere from a 1,000-point list to a 1,500-point list. So, we won’t speculate too much on points from this.

Leagues of Votann Rules 2

This force hails from the Greater Thurian League – the white-and-teal Kin you’ve seen plenty of so far – as they’re renowned for exploration, resource acquisition, and military conquest. Their League Custom, Ruthless Efficiency, grants them re-rolls and an edge when contesting objectives.

Like with most factions, there will be a sub-faction you can pick, which will grant you specific bonuses. This one will make it super hard for your enemy to score objectives against you.

Then, getting a free re-roll for every unit in your army is just kind of insane. Especially for big guns, if you do hit, you can just carry over the free re-roll into the wound roll.

Leagues of Votann Rules 3

Perhaps the greatest strength of the League lies in how they wield the Eye of the Ancestors. This faction-wide ability condemns enemies to annihilation should they attract ire in the form of Judgement tokens.

Enemy units gain Judgement tokens in a number of ways, from completing an action (how dare you!) to destroying a Votann unit (how VERY dare you!), while Kâhls can dole out extra tokens with their Grim Efficiency ability.

This is actually pretty wild. If you can get three tokens on a unit, you are auto-wounding on 4+! At fhis can make high-toughness units feel really bad.

New Stratagem & Special Rules

Leagues of Votann Rules 4

My League’s unique Stratagem, Appraising Glare, maximises the effectiveness of Grim Efficiency, enabling you to mark out a dangerous enemy unit for destruction from the battle’s outset.

For one CP, you give a unit two tokens! For one CP, basically, every unit in your army is auto-wounding on 5+! Pretty insane.

Leagues of Votann Rules 5

Each League also has an Ancestral Judgement ability that applies when attacking a unit with Judgement tokens on it, and the Greater Thurian League’s makes their warriors even more vengeful.

So, if you combine this with the stratagem above, you are auto-wounding on 4+. Bam, one CP, and you basically will auto-wound on half your shots!

Warlord Trait & Relic

Leagues of Votann Rules 6

The Warlord Trait A Long List is especially effective for the Greater Thurian League, as the ability to redistribute Judgement tokens makes for a great combo with their Ancestral Judgement. Plus, it’s the perfect choice for a Warlord with a name like Kôrv Grudgekeeper…

This lets you try and kill enemy characters with shooting, and then if you do, you can transfer a token over to another unit, so if you have a big shooty warlord, this is great.

Leagues of Votann Rules 7

Making the enemy strike last in combat is a massive advantage, and the Relic Aktôl’s Fortress allows you to apply this effect to an enemy unit within 3” of the bearer, enormously increasing your options in melee.

Forcing an enemy to strike last is huge, especially since you just pick them, and they are forced to. No rolls or anything like that.

Leagues of Votann 40k Rules Datasheets & Points

Leagues of Votann DatasheetsHe’s the one named character in the book and has plenty of special rules and abilities. He gives serious re-rolls and allows things to count as an unmodified 6 (which works great with the battle tank). Then, you can only ever roll a 1 for damage against him.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 2This will be your psyker and has some pretty cool rules to stop Perils.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 3The champion is probably your hardest-hitting character and can really help you smash through the enemy.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 4This is basically your tech-priest with some additional rules and some cool wargear.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 5Lastly, for HQs is the Kahl, but remember, you can only have one of these in each detachment.

league of votann Hearthkyn warrior

league of votann Hearthkyn warrior squad leader


Leagues of Votann Datasheets 6 Leagues of Votann Datasheets 7For your core troops, the Warriors can really have all kinds of wargear and weapons, and their datasheet is pretty strong. Plus they are core, and again have Void Armor like the rest of the army.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 8The Hearthguard are really tough with a great save, two wounds, and plenty of awesome wargear.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 9The Beserks hit super hard, have a bunch of attacks, and have some super strong weapons. However, they only have a 6+ save but can ignore wounds! They can also reroll failed charges and fight even if they die in combat!

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 10These are the devastator-style unit for the army with some seriously big guns.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 11This is the smaller of the two vehicles in the army but is faster and makes a cool transport.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 12The bikers are also really interesting and add that little bit of speed to your army and have all kinds of weaponry.

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 13 Leagues of Votann Datasheets 14This is kind of insane as it has all the weapons, is super tanky (puns!), and can even transport units! The Magna-Rail Cannon is insane because even though it’s one shot, it can transfer leftover wounds to other models.

So, if you’re up against some squad of vehicles, this could easily take two out with one shot. Even if you don’t upgrade it, it still has tons of shots and can take out all kinds of enemies.

Weapon Profiles

Leagues of Votann Rules


Leagues of Votann Rules

Reference & Glossary

Leagues of Votann Rules


Leagues of Votann Rules

Leagues of Votaan Points

Updated in their First FAQ as follows:

Leagues of Votann FAQ 2

We’ve kept the changes pretty simple…

There’s an increase in points for units across the army.

There are some huge changes here, and with the changes, we’re not sure if the Hekaton will be DOA or not; we’ll just have to wait and see on that. Here’s a quick summary of the points changes:


  • Uthar 140 – 160
  • Einhyr 90 – 110
  • Grymnyr 80 – 90
  • Kahl 70 – 80
  • Brokhyr Iron-master 80 – 90


  • Hearthkyn Warriors 11 – 12


  • Cthonian Beserks 22 – 30
  • Einhyr Hearthguard 35 – 45

Fast Attack:

  • Sagitaur 110 – 130
  • Hernkyn Pioneers 30 – 35

Heavy Support:

  • Hekaton Land Fortress 230 – 300
  • Brokhyr Thunderkyn 35 – 40

There is a ton of increases, especially when you look at the Beserks and Hekaton. Going up 70 points and having the guns nerfed is no joke!

Then Hearthguard going up ten points is another biggie. Every unit is getting an increase, so these are pretty serious and shows GW either listened to the tournament community or didn’t test it out as much as they maybe should have.

Below are the original points costs for the Leagues of Votann:

Leagues of Votann Datasheets 15

Leagues of Votann: Leagues Subfaction Rules

Leagues of Votann LeaguesIf you lose any models from your squads, this will be a really strong league, and improving the AP is never bad.

Leagues of Votann Rules 2We saw these rules from GW, and it’s pretty cool as you’ll capture all kinds of objectives.

Leagues of Votann Leagues 2

The Ancestral Judgement making them count as having one more token is honestly insane, as you can get those 4+ auto wounds all the time. Then, the stratagem gives even more judgement tokens!

Leagues of Votann Leagues 3Next, this one will make your army way tougher as everything gets that +1 toughness and can re-roll failed Morale tests. Then, they basically count the entire enemy army as having judgement tokens!

Leagues of Votann Leagues 4Giving your entire army an invuln save is sweet, and adding 4″ to the range is no joke! Then, you get additional AP and auto wounds for units with tokens on them.

Leagues of Votann Leagues 5This is the way to go if you want to have a melee-focused army! Especially with the +1 to attacks and the strength any time they charge were charged or made a heroic intervention. Then, the stratagem can give your entire army additional hits on 6’s.

Leagues of Votann Established Customs Rules

Leagues of Votann Leagues 6Lastly, if you don’t want to take one of the established leagues, you can make your own!

Leagues of Votann Psychic Powers Rules

votann Psychic powersFirst up, gaining CP is always nice, especially on a casting value of 5. Next up, you basically give your guys +1 Toughness and FNP. Ancestral Wrath is excellent as you’ll be doing mortals on a 3+ a lot of the time, and against big units, you should deal with 4 mortal wounds (if you have the token on them).

Null Vortex is kind of crazy against certain armies, as just nullifying all invulnerable saves can really be a pain. Lastly, being able to stop actions and reduce their hit roll is pretty nice.

New Leagues of Votann Relics & Warlord Traits

Leagues of Votann Rules 6

We saw this from GW and this lets you try and kill enemy characters with shooting, and then if you do, you can transfer a token over to another unit, so if you have a big shooty warlord, this is great.

Votann Warlord TraitsAdding 3″ to all abilities is really nice as it will give you that much more flexibility. Unrelenting Toil is excellent as it can allow you to still shoot with a unit doing actions, and with how much shooting every unit has, this can be really strong.

Leagues of Votann Rules 7Forcing an enemy to strike last is huge, especially since you just pick them, and they are forced to. No rolls or anything like that.

votann relicsThe Exactor is an insane weapon in melee as it doesn’t give you the minus to hit, and any hit roll of a 6 just does D3+3 Mortal Wounds. However, the First Knife might be cooler, as all you have to do is hit and you deal D3 Mortal Wounds +1 for each judgement token!

You could easily do D3+3 mortal wounds for just hitting…

votann relics 2Being able to just move over everything is cool but also keeping reinforcements further away is nicely rolled into one relic. The Murmuring Stave is actually pretty strong as not only does it give you one more power, but it also lets you still cast while performing actions. Lastly, Ymma’s Shield is actually awesome. If your opponent hits you with a big damage hit, you just get to ignore it completely, and on a 5+ they even get a token!

votann relics 3Flayre is pretty great as it gives you three more attacks and has a ton of extra strength, Damage, and AP. Next, you can actually revive your character on a 3+, while it’s only with D3 wounds, it can be game-changing to keep your warlord on the battlefield.

Lastly, the Grey Crest will be a great debuff against your enemies.

Squats Leagues of Votann Datacards 40k Rules:

We grabbed the pictures courtesy of Chapter Master Valrak on YouTube, showing stratagems and even psychic powers!

Leagues of Votann DatacardsFirst up, this looks like an exo-armor squat of some kind, which means a bigger unit is possible, something like a terminator-style unit. However, we’re not 100% sure about that.

Votann DatacardsLet’s start with the psychic powers. They have a few generic-type ones, but Fortify adds +1 toughness and gives a 6+ FNP; however, the most exciting power might be Grudgepyre.

Why do you ask? Well, it talks about Judgement Tokens, which looks to be some core mechanic that, maybe every time a unit hits one of your models or you hit them, adds to the count of tokens.

While it just kills one model, it kills them, but it can’t be a vehicle, monster, or character. Still pretty cool to look at the new mechanic.

Votann DatacardsNext, we have some stratagems, There are a few big things to look at. First, a Votann Accelerated unit might be a jump pack type unit? As they already have keywords for their bikers.

Then, there is a unit called Beserks, which at the time we didnt have much info on (well, other than on the card it says they give themselves combat drugs), but most likely their powerful close combat unit and the stratagem let them re-roll all missed hits! Next up are beam weapons.

We’ve seen some about this, but this stratagem lets you build up the beam weapons and do a ton of mortals! Then again, we see the Judgement Tokens, which lets you use them to improve your units.

Votann DatacardsIt looks like Judgement Tokens will be an extremely core mechanic, as even more stratagems use them and will add to your power. Next, we have the keyword for Einhyr, which will most likely be an elite shooting unit for the army.

Votann DatacardsThere are three big keywords to look at in these cards; biker, Grimnyr, and Hernkyn Pioneers. Grimnyrs must be some kind of characters that don’t take up HQ slots, as they are put into the same category as characters.

Think of a single elite model that takes up a slot in your army. This also shows a little how Judgement Tokens work, as when your units are destroyed, the enemy unit gains the tokens.

Lastly, the pioneers look to be the scouts and can be taken off the battlefield.

Votann Datacards

Nothing too crazy on these, but it is cool your unit champions can actually take certain relics!

leagues of votann all modelsIf you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Leagues of Votann codex!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the return of Squats er the Leagues of Votann? What do you think about the rules? 

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!