How To Pronounce the Trickiest Warhammer Words

space-marines-how-to-speak-warhammer-40kGW just gave us a lowdown on how to pronounce the trickiest Warhammer words, coming from the experts themselves- check it out!

We’ve all been there, someone pronounces a Warhammer word, and we wonder if they are right, or if the way we’ve been saying it for years is the correct pronunciation. Well, wonder no longer! Games Workshop has put the experts to the task, and we have proof.

Just remember, if you are right about how you say words, don’t rub it in too much to your buddies; only tell them 15 times you were right; 16 is just a little too ridiculous, and nobody will like you anymore.

How To Pronounce the Trickiest Warhammer Words

abaddon 1This comes from Warhammer Community.

  • Abaddon– Nobody wants to be held accountable to the despoiler, so you better get his name right! This is one we hear all the time, and considering he’s been in 40k for sooo long, you better get it right from here on out! Here’s the pronunciation:  Aba-don
  • Slaanesh– Look, just because Slaanesh like to have a good time doesn’t mean you get to say the name wrong! If you can’t say it, maybe go with the Lord of Excess from now on. Pronunciation:  Sla-nesh, not Sla-neesh
  • Tzeentch– While things are always changing in his realms, the name stays the same (but to be fair, change is inevitable, so this might be wrong soon). Pronunciation Zeentch, can’t forget that double e!
  • Roboute Guilliman– Considering he sticks so close to the book, he might get just as mad as Abaddon if you pronounced his name wrong! We know he was sleeping for a long time, so you better learn it now before he shows up at your house. Here’s the pronunciation:  Ro-Bu-te Guill-i-man, be sure to pronounce that last te, or you’re going to be in trouble with the Ultramarines!
  • Leman Russ– This insane warrior sure wasn’t named after a piece of fruit, so if you say lemon, the whole legion of wolves might be on your tail. Here’s the pronunciation: Lee-man Russ. 
  • Adeptus Arbites- Look, no one wants the cops on their tails, especially not ones with cyber-mastiffs! Here’s the pronunciation: A-dept-us Ar-bee-tees, it looks like a lot of things in the 40k universe want you to sound out every letter!
  • Lieutenant– They seem to be the most endless force in a Space Marines army (or at least get the most models), so you better know how to say it! Quick disclaimer, this one is full of English colloquialisms, so feel free if you’re from the States to not say it this way. Here’s the pronunciation: Left-ten-ant
  • Tyranids– Just because they are nasty bugs doesn’t mean you get to say their name wrong! Here’s the pronunciation: Teer-a-nids
  • WAAAGH!– when the Greentide comes rolling through, they probably don’t care how you scream, as long as it’s coming from Gork (or possibly Mork). Here’s the pronunciation: Wah, but don’t let this discourage you from yelling WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 

What’s your favorite word to say wrong to annoy people in Warhammer 40k? 

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