How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures: Peachy Painting Tutorial

How to Slapchop Paint MiniaturesSlapchop has been all the rage lately for miniatures, and now you can learn how to do it with Peachy and paint up a ton of minis in no time!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

This week, he’s going to cure his own hobby burnout by utilizing this method to paint up a ton of Imperial Guard minis! Let’s see how to do it.

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures: Peachy Painting Tutorial

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 2He couldn’t bring himself to paint the rest of these models, so switching up the method will get him to do it! Once he gets the rest of the minis to the base coats of the other ten, he’ll start adding more to them!

Step 1:

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 3He started by spraying them all gray, so the next thing to do is take Warm Grey and do a heavy drybrush all over the miniature to really build up the contrast. And that’s all you have to do to achieve the Slapchop method! You can always do a second layer of a lighter drybrush as well, but he doesn’t on these. Now onto the base coats. He starts with Sigvald Burgundy and hits all the cloaks with that. He uses Black Legion for armor, helmets, leather, etc. Just to note, he does thin it down for the armor but not for the boots or leather. He does a couple of coats of White Grey for any white details. For any of the gold he uses, Brass, nothing too fancy here. Then, he picks those out with Oily steel for all the silver details. For all the brown details (and face), he uses Leather Brown.

Step 2:

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 4To clean up the trousers, he uses Graphite and just hits the spots he needs to or got other colors on. After that, he goes back to the Warm Grey and spruces up the parchment. Once dry, he applies Nuln Oil over the entire model. To get more highlights into the face, he uses Cork and just touches up the raised areas, such as the nose. He then does a quick wash of Reikland Fleshshade on the gold and the face.

Step 3:

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 5Now onto more details. To start, he basecoats all the plasma weapons with white applies Blue Liquid Pigment over them, and finishes them off with a white drybrush. This is really all you need other than basing them to play! However, he’s going to take it a step further. Considering the colors are slightly different from his initial batch of minis, he’s doing this to make them look a little more unified.

Step 4:

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 6To start, he picks out the highlights on the cloak with Violet Red and highlights the white with White Grey, and layers up the black leather with Graphite. For the Skin, he picks out some small highlights with Radiant Flesh. If you want to make your command squad stand out, he adds some highlights to the feathers with Sigvald Burgundy. Next, he cleans up the gold with Brass and the silver details with Silver from AK. To make the armor a little shiny, he applies a thinned-down coat of Ardcoat.

Step 5:

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 7Now it’s time to start basing. He starts with Dry Ground, thins it around the feet, and then applies it to all the bases. He even drybrushes some of this over the boots, so they look like they’re walking on the dusty ground. He then takes Pale Sand and applies it all over the bases with a drybrush. After that, he applies some tufts to the bases from the Army Painter.

Finished Models

How to Slapchop Paint Miniatures 8There you have a ton of awesome minis, and none of them took very long!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

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