Hunting in Numbers: Space Wolves Grey Hunter LORE

By Tim Roberts | September 8th, 2018 | Categories: Space Wolves, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Space Wolves Space Marine Ragnar hor wal

Come and learn more about the pack itself, as we take a look at Grey Hunters, who make up the majority of the Space Wolves fighting force.

The Grey Hunters are the fank and file of the proud sons of Fenris. They train hard and fight even harder to destroy the enemies of the Imperium. Let’s learn more.

Via: Lexicanum

Space Wolves Snow Wal Hor

After surviving their initial service as Blood Claws (a process which can take decades, or even centuries), Space Wolves are promoted to the ranks of the Grey Hunters, and allowed to trade in their bolt pistols for the venerable boltguns that are the mainstay of a Space Marine’s armoury.

The Grey Hunters are as hungry for battle as their Blood Claw brethren, but their aggression is tempered with experience that has taught them the value of patience and cunning. Grey Hunters excel at both attack and defense, and moreover are able to determine which approach best fits the tactical situation at hand. When on the offensive, they exhibit the pack skills of true hunters, advancing with deliberate suppression fire and flawless coordination, until they draw close enough to the enemy to unleash their savage charge.grey_hunters___space_wolves_by_escudero-d3jo0fp


As a Space Wolf grows older and more experienced, the Canis Helix – the unique aspect of the Space Wolves geneseed – causes more extreme physical changes. By the time they have attained the status of Grey Hunters, their hair has literally turned grey, their fangs have lengthened, their hides have toughened, and, in some extreme cases, their eyes may turn yellow, until their resemblance to the wolves of Fenris is greater than ever.

It is usually from Grey Hunter packs that a brave, skilled warrior will be chosen to join the Wolf Guard. For this to happen is a great honour to both the individual marine and his pack. The pack may well compose a saga to commemorate the warriors deeds and relate them to future battle-brothers. These sagas both impart battle knowledge to younger marines, and inspire their courage and bravery, causing them to try to outdo their predecessor.

After serving as a Grey Hunter for a time, the pack will be formed into the heavy weapon team, known as the Long wolves codex


A standard Grey Hunters pack numbers 5-10 marines, armed with boltgunsclose combat weapons, and frag and krak grenades. Select members of the pack may arm themselves with a meltagunflamer or plasma gun, or specialized close combat weapons, such as a Power Weapon or even a Power Fist.

In addition, one of the Grey Hunters may be entrusted with carrying the Wolf Standard.

Space Wolves Shoulder Pad

Find Out More About The Grey Hunters!