If Recasts Are Bad, How About Counts As from China?

By Wesley Floyd | December 11th, 2018 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

Artillery imperial guard hor Playing 40k at Those Awkward Low Point Levels

Wanting to start an Artillery-themed Imperial Guard army but need more hobby $$$? Check out this alternate model from China!

There’s an absolute steal making its rounds on eBay. You can get a fantastic artillery toy model from China (shipped from the UK looks like) for practically nothing.

Take a look at the details:

Long-Range Fire Support for Cheap

ebay artillery 1

Cutting right to the details, this thing is going for less than $2 a piece on eBay. This mini would make the perfect “stand in” for either some Basilisks or Earthshaker batteries from Forge World.

earthshaker battery

Don’t believe us? You could get three of these for $6 OR three FW Earthshakers for $400. 

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If you are wanting to run some Basilisks but haven’t been able to find any, once again, this is still a fantastic alternate option. Do you have your lists already made and painted up? Have you thought about grabbing some of these for terrain on the tabletop? It wouldn’t be too hard to chop the barrels down and make them looked “wrecked.” Plus they don’t cost a fraction of what some GW terrain does.

ebay artillery 3

Anytime you can get a cheap firing base in 8th edition is a good thing. Players need to have a back-field unit to sit in the deployment and hold objectives while the real workhorses take down the enemy’s heavy hitters.

Will you be sweeping up a few of these artillery pieces? Are they going to be used as units or terrain? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.