If the Executioner Fits? New 40k ITC Fly Keyword Hacks


repulsor meme

This may be why we can’t have 40k things. Check out the latest workaround for FLY keyword that’s both hilarious and sad at the same time.

There’s been an uprising in the ITC world on whether vehicles can sit on terrain pieces. It all started when one player managed to fit three Repulsors on top of a 12-inch platform, making it impossible for the enemy to charge him while also looking ridiculous.

40k tourney 1This pic was taken from a 40k game and has since been making its rounds (hilariously) on the internet. You can see that there are three Repulsors sitting on some terrain piece that was never intended to have three hover tanks sharing it. The bases run off of the edges and even overlap each other at some points. Obviously assaulting them will be “difficult”.

Thankfully, the ITC rules have since been changed because in part of occurrences like this.

Coming from Reece Robbins at Frontline Gaming:

40k tourney itc changeThe new changes are spelled out:

  • If it sits, it fits: FLY keyworded vehicles can only be placed if the base entirely fits. 
  • For models where you measure from the hull, the entire vehicle must fit and not spill off over the edge of the terrain piece. 

If the Executioner Fits? 40k ITC Fly Keyword Hacks

The ITC rulings on vehicles sitting on top of terrain have been “challenged” in a new way. All we can say is if the Executioner fits…

repulsor executioner itc terrain

This pic was taken recently from the SoCal Open Facebook Group where somebody managed to find the perfect terrain piece to fit all three tanks and Feirros on top. With rules as written, it looks like all three tanks fit perfectly on the Skyshield Landing Pad. Plus there was even enough room to fit the man of the hour in the middle.

The best part is that this terrain piece is <Unaligned>. That means it doesn’t break the doctrine bonus for running one Chapter. All you have to do is pay the points for the piece!

Pack It In!

repulsor executioner terrain piece

If you need a tighter fit, another person also discovered that you can fit three Thunderfire Cannons.  This really helps to cut down on the likelihood of a few lucky models being able to fit on the platform from a charge.

repulsor executioner gif

The comments have made it all just as hilarious as the first time we saw Executioners crammed together on top of a narrow building.

repulsor meme

As funny as it is, it seems like some people are destined to find a way to put their tanks in cover, and out of reach.

Imperial Fists might have a new use in the meta once their supplement drops. They’ve got a plethora of rules designed to uproot things like this.

Even with the Iron hands NERF, will this still be an issue in the meta? Do you think the Imperial Fists will be a new hard counter against fortifications? What’s the best way to deal with this thing on the tabletop?

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