Illuminor Szeras Unboxing & Build Warhammer 40k Necron

Illuminor Szeras Unboxing & Build Warhammer 40k NecronThat’s right Necrons are back! Come and see the first releases for the new 9th edition 40k Necron army in our Illuminor Szeras unboxing.

These are not the Necrons of old! Today we are going to crack open the first of the new and improved 40k Necrons. We are going to get the new Illuminor Szeras ready for the tabletop so you can decide if this new mini is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. So let’s get started!

Illuminor Szeras: $50

Get Yours For Less From Amazon or Dicehead Games!

Illuminor SzerasThis pack is supplied as 34 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 80mm Round Base. The updated Warhammer 40,000 datasheet for Illuminor Szeras is included in the box.

Illuminor SzerasStarting with the instructions you can see that this new miniature is one that you are definitely going to want to take your time on. There are a lot of sockets that have to be aligned right for this project to come together.

The assembly instructions for Illuminor Szeras can be very vague in some sections. From the legs, to the smaller details like the swirly bits, dry fitting all the parts before the glue stage is almost a must for this dynamic sculpt.

Illuminor SzerasIlluminor Szeras comes in a lot of parts for the size of the sprue. Be careful when clipping some of the smaller bits from the sprue so they don’t break, as some of them are very thin.

Illuminor SzerasHere he is!  This mini is very dynamic when you finish assembly. Just make sure you take your time and have fun with this build process. Illuminor Szeras will definitely be a centerpiece for your new 40k 9th Edition Necron army. To see some of our trials and tribulations with this new box check out our unboxing video.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

What do you think about the first of the new Necrons?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  This post contains affiliate links, as an eBay Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

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