2 New Chaos Datasheets Spotted for Imperial Armor!

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaosToday we’re getting a closer look at two amazing models for Chaos. Come take a look at the Renegade Knight Lancer and An’ggrath the Unbound.

One viewer got their hands on the Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of Chaos book and shared a couple things with us. Check out the latest Forge World Datasheets that were spotted over on Imgur courtesy of Scanner.

Index Chaos Introduction

One of the first things you come across is the Introduction with a section of Additional Rules, which covers Macro Weapons, Arch-Daemonic Ritual, and the Combi-Weapon list. The Arch-Daemonic Ritual is making it a little more risky to summon your Daemon Lords to the table. You can roll up to nine dice, the Power Rating must be equal to or less than the total of your roll, and the model must be set up within 12″ of the caster, and no closer than 9″ from enemy models. The risky part is what comes next. If you roll included any doubles your summoning unit suffers a mortal wound. If you rolled any triples your model is instead slain, the summoning can still be successful even if your summoning character is slain.

But you can always just set up your bad boy (or girl?) on the table to start as well.

Renegadeknight Lancer

The Renegade Knight Lancer is a walking fortress coming onto the battlefield with 27 wounds. You don’t notice your first drop in stats until you hit the 14 remaining wounds mark, giving you 13 wounds at maximum functionality. It starts with a 14″ move, WS/BS 3+, Strength/Toughness 8, 4 Attacks, Leadership 9, a 3+ Save, and 5+ Invulnerable Save, increasing to a 4+ Invulnerable Save in the Fight Phase of any turn.

It’s equipped with a cerastus shock lance which it wields in melee combat and can also use it to discharge a lethal shock blast. If that wasn’t enough you can also crush your foes under its titanic feet. The Infernal Autosimulacra ability lets you roll a dice at the beginning of every turn and heal a wound on a 5+.

The Infernal Knight Titan ability is allowing the Renegade Knight Lancer to Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge during its turn. It can move over enemy Infantry models but must end its move more than 1″ from all enemy units. It can shoot if there are enemy models within 1″ of it, as long as all of the enemy models have the Infantry keyword. In this case, it can shoot the enemy unit that is within 1″ of it or any other visible enemy unit that is within range and more than 1″ away from any friendly models.

The Renegade Knight Lancer can move and fire Heavy weapons without penalty to its hit rolls.

Seems just as good as before no?

Anggratch The Unbound

An’ggrath the Unbound is coming in with 24 wounds, a 2+ Save, and a 4+ Invulnerable Save making this one tough model to take down. You won’t see the first drop in its stats until you hit 12 wounds, giving you half his total health at full power. He’s coming equipped with an Axe of Khorne (12″ Range, Assault 2D6, Strength +3, AP -4, D6 Damage) and the Bloodlash (Strength 7, AP -3, 2 Damage, and can be used within 1″ of an enemy, and can target enemy units within 1″ of friendly units).

Unstoppable Ferocity is giving An’ggrath a leg up over his foes in almost any situation adding 1 to the Strength and Attacks characteristics if he charges, is charged, or performs a Heroic Intervention that turn.  He’s also adding a level of support with the Emissary of the Blood God ability, allowing friendly Khorne units within 9″  to use his Leadership when taking Morale tests. Shattering Onslaught is going to be devastating if you can successfully charge into a group of enemies.


On any turn in which An’ggrath successfully charges, roll a D6 for each unit within 1″ at the end of its charge move, and on a 2+ the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. But don’t think just because he’s defeated he’s not going down swinging… Frenzied Death-throes is the last attack of this dying Daemon. If he’s reduced down to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it, and on a 4+ each unit within D6″ suffers D6 mortal wounds.

Clocking in at 700 ish points it looks like An’ggrath may start seeing play once again!

These are both strong, durable, heavy hitters for the Chaos forces. What do you think about An’ggrath the Unbound and the Renegade Knight Lancer? Are you going to be fielding either of these models in your list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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