Imperial Guardsmen Returning To GW From The 2000’s!

By Rob Baer | October 12th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


If you love the classic metal Guardsman, don’t miss the list of models that will be returning with GW’s new Made to Order service.

Guess what’s coming back soon, the old Guard made new again!

GWannounced there Made to Order 9MTO) line and not we know what’s coming back! Checkout this line-up of previously out of print Imperial Guard models from yesteryear!

14517597_1233674300017926_4570200914278241930_nAnd now we have a list of whats coming this week!

Source: B&C’s  Maximvs madetoorder-oct15

And here some of the older models pictures from the 2003/2004 Catalog:

tallarn-hvy-weapons valhallan-hvy-weapons mordian-hvy-weapons cadian-kasrkin lord_solar

What are you thoughts on the matter, if GW will just be doing faction runs?

GW’s Made to Order Discussion

What models would YOU like to see again from GW?


First off this is nothing but pure speculation on the part of forum and Fb group posters all over this morning as Games Workshop prepares to unveil their big “Made to Order” line next Saturday October 15th.

Today we’re seeing more rumors from Oldhammer on FB



The Dakka post on this topic is blowing up with folks speculating that GW will be doing 3D printing to crank out these minis, but I think a lot of folks may have not gotten all the details:


We broke the following policy from GW themselves yesterday that seems to indicate that a “selection of minis” will “be on sale for a short period of time”. So that seems to indicate that they will be pulling from a list of popular minis that are no longer in production, and literally make them to order.

But there’s the rub – how will they make them and in what material? What time frames are we talking about one week, two, three weeks?

Does Games Workshop have a big database of designs that they can just print out on demand now via 3D technology? Or are they planning to re-make molds and use the resin formally known as Finecast?

resin or finecast centos

Whatever they do I think change overall is good, as long as the prices are right. Sure we’re not going to get 80’s minis at 80’s prices, but I can’t imagine folks are going to pay a premium to get an old Space Marine Captain either?

MTO Details:

There is a retro wind blowing out of Nottingham this October, and it may be bringing you all the older models you missed out on! Don’t miss this!

Checkout these new details about GW’s Made to Order policy that looks like it may just be for a limited time only?

Source: Scanner


Look for a list of the products that will be available as Made To Order on Saturday October 15th!

We had been hearing rumors of “the return of finecast” and such all day, but this is the first proof that something BIG is happening at GW next weekend:

Source GW Salisbury

Missed out on any old models when they went onto last chance? You may want to keep your eyes on our Facebook page on 15th October


WOW what huge news? What do you think we can expect to see become available again, and more importantly, what material do you think it will be made out of?

All will be revealed next Saturday it looks like. Keep your eyes peeled for more teasers though before then!

GW’s Made to Order Discussion