Imperial Sucker Punch Knight Warden: LORE

By Tim Roberts | September 15th, 2019 | Categories: Imperial Knights, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

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Today we take a look at a heavily armed engine of war as we dive into the Knight Warden in this week’s edition of Titan lore.

The Warden is a heavy-handed beast on the battlefield. He brings death and destruction to the enemies of man. Let’s learn more about this massive machine and how it is used.

Via: Lexicanum

An imposingly tall, heavily armed engine of war, nothing announces its presence on the battlefield quite like an Imperial Knight. Carrying itself into the thick of the action with heavy, thudding steps, and protected by both thick adamantine armour and an Ion Shield, the Knight Warden is perfectly equipped to deal with foes who attempt to use weight of numbers to their advantage.

Knight Warden

The Knight Warden can unleash a furious hellstorm of large-calibre shells from its Avenger Gatling Cannon, the weapon’s distinctive drone sounding a terrible clarion call, which can tear apart even the most impressively-armoured foe. Mounted co-axially with the cannon is a Heavy Flamer to flush the enemy out of cover. Should any enemy be brave or foolish enough to engage a Warden at close quarters they’ll find themselves at the mercy of some of the Imperium’s most fearsome close-combat weaponry. That’ll be either a Reaper Chainsword or Thunderstrike Gauntlet. A Heavy Stubber mounted on a ball turret provides additional firepower for mowing down groups of infantry.


While the primary ranged weapon of the Knight Warden is its Avenger Gatling Cannon, some will mount additional weapons. These include an Ironstorm Missile Pod, twin Icarus Autocannons, or a Stormspear Rocket Pod mounted on top of their carapace. Some will also replace the chest-mounted heavy stubber with a Meltagun for added close-range, thermal-based firepower.Imperial Knight banner

Find Out More About The Knight Warden!