Infested Terrans… Er Space Marines: Conversion Corner

There are times that it is hard to tell if you have a Tyranid infestation, and then there are times that you can tell without a second glance!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Christopher Turner on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

What the hell is that?

I think I got infected coach 1

I was inspired by the Infested Terran from the StarCraft games. I used an Intercessor body for the base and multiple Tyranid parts, particularly bits from the Hormagaunt and Genestealer kits.

I think I got infected coach 3

I was initially just going to use this as an objective marker, but my son wants to use it as a Deathleaper proxy for his Tyranids, which is fine by me.

I think I got infected coach 2

“He definitely does not look good!”

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