Insane Baneblade Train from Black Thumb Studio!

Banblade feature rAre Baneblades just not big enough for you? Then you need to check out this amazing Baneblade train from Black Thumb Studio!

Sometimes you just can’t have enough weapons! Look, when you’re a human facing the endless horrors of the Galaxy from Xenos to Daemons, you need all the help you can get. This amazing project has everything you could need to beat those pesky enemies.

If you love conversions, you have to check out Black Thumb Studio. This is just one of their great projects and they are constantly making insane conversions. You can watch the video below for the full break down or check out our highlights. If you want to see everything they are up to, check out their Youtube here. let’s jump into it!

Insane Baneblade Train from Black Thumb Studio!

Baneblade TrainLet’s hear what they have to say about the project:

This is the Behemoth multi-sectional weapon platform also known as the Banetrain. The vehicle consisting of three main Baneblade sections which combined feature 68 weapon systems ranging from short range to extreme long-range and can perform several different battlefield rolls from vehicle recovery and transport to long-range support.

This project took three months to complete during 2020 and cost approximately $1000 CDN in parts. Currently, two more sections are being added along with a crew of Armsmen.  
Baneblade Train 4Just look at all the guns on this crazy thing! If you ever wondered where all the money and resources were going in the Imperium, well, now you know.
Baneblade Train 6You can even break the sections apart and take the thing into smaller pieces. You can tell just how big each section is by the fact two Chimeras sit on there without an issue.
Baneblade Train 2Don’t worry if you don’t want to bring your monstrosity too close to the enemy as it features a ton of super long-range weaponry!
Banetrain feature rAny way you look at this it’s pretty amazing! It’s so big it’s hard to even see it all at once!
That does it for this project, just one insane monstrosity of the far future!

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What do you think about this crazy conversion? Will you be running all your points in a Banetrain your next game?
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