Is Gaming Really That Different Down Under?

By Josh Platt | June 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Warhammer 40k News, YouTube

horizontial of marine and chaos

Is Gaming That Different Down Under? Checkout a new YouTube channel that goes the extra mile for all its tabletop content from board games to miniatures!

Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down, and I’d like to take a minute just sit right there, I’ll tell you how I became the director of a youtube channel, sound fair?

Hi! My name is Josh from Direct Action Games, and I bet you are still reading this to the tune of fresh prince!

Down here in upside down crazy country called Straya… apart from sounding funny and riding kangaroos to work, we are also really passionate gamers! From war gaming, tabletop gaming and digital gaming we have it covered!


Because I watch a lot of content from the US and Canada abouuut tabletop gaming I thought it would be cool to throw a few more crazy Auzzies into the mix!

A few months later, hobby’n away as much as possible in my spare time! Here we are now. I am really enjoy getting stuck into making content especially adding narrative elements into our games. From playing boardgames in silly costumes to setting up back stories for battle reports it’s just so much fun. With every video I am learning something new and always looking to make our videos better.

So come check out what we are up to and say hi! Would love to know what you think so far. You will also see me floating around Spikey Bits in future articles, and until next time ROLL THE DICE!

Is Gaming Different That Different Down Under? 


Have You Seen Direct Action Games’ Channel?

Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Josh Platt