GW – Hinting at Something BIG in Two Months?

By Rob Baer | August 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Knight Forge World

Games Workshop RARELY teases at things more than a week out. Come see the BIG tease for TWO full months from now that they just dropped!

The Warhammer 40,000 Openday is coming again! Mark you calendars for 17th and 18th of October!

Attendees to the Warhammer 40,000 Open Weekend will be amongst the first to pick up brand new products, as well as Events exclusives from our sales stands, such as the Forge World event miniatures and art work.  We’re happy to announce that we will be releasing +++DELETED BY THE INQUISITION+++, which is really exciting!

Warhammer 40,000 Open Days – 17th & 18th October 2015

– Tickets Released Monday 10th August
– Exciting new and exclusive products to buy
– New display board in the Warhammer World Exhibition
– Golden Demon: Space Marines (Sunday only)

Now I think we can all agree that GW and Forge World love to show off new things at these events. Will we see the release of the Plastic Horus Heresy kits around that time?
horus walpaper
Keep in mind that the Horus Heresy is rumored to be dropping in November. If true that seems to make mid October the prefect time to show off the new starter and more.

via “Mikhael” 7-15-2015
Horus Heresy plastic boxed set is coming and is scheduled for November 2015

So now with that provocative little statement, let’s go back a little and refresh everyone’s memory with where we left off:

via Lords of War 2-16-2014
Regarding scheduling of Horus Heresy Plastics
Plastic HH marks of armor in May? You’re way off!

I didn’t say it wasn’t happening. It will not be in May.
I think we’ll see something big in November for sure. I am sure a lot of people out would love it to be Horus Heresy Plastics.

Past GW Open Events


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