Chaos Players Rejoice! The GW FAQ has changed the game and it’s time to rise to the top again. Checkout the new changes for Chaos!
Now, for the first time it has been clarified that when a flying monstrous creature is conjured or summoned that you can choose the flight mode it arrives in. This is such a big deal! Being able to create a Bloodthirster with Daemons or KDK and have it arrive and be ready to assault the next turn is such an incredible tool for chaos players to have in their tool belts. Before this FAQ, bloodthirsters were rarely ever summoned, but now I expect that all to change. Creating a Bloodthirster for only 3 warp charge points is just so good now that it can assault the next turn. But that is not all! The good news just keeps coming. The GW FAQ also states that when you summon a Bloodthirster, you can choose to make any of the variants.
Yes, that is right. You get to choose to make either a Wrath of Khorne, Unfettered Fury, or Insensate Rage Bloodthirster! This provides tremendous flexibility, as each Bloodthirster has its own specialty. But wait, there is more! The FAQ goes on to say that when using the possession psychic power you can even choose to make one of the Bloodthirsters from the KDK codex! Yes, you read the right! You can use the possession psychic power to create a Khorne Daemonkin Bloodthirster. This. Is. HUGE!
Not only can you pick and choose the variant of Bloodthirster that you want, you can choose its flight mode when it arrives, AND you can create a Bloodthirster that does not have daemonic instability, but instead has Fearless and Blood for the Blood God! This makes creating Bloodthirsters with the possession psychic power INSANELY good! Instability has always been the biggest weak point of the Greater Daemons, and avoiding that is a huge boost. Let’s look specifically at the 2 variants that can now be summoned and see what they can be used for:
The Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster: When compared the standard Unfettered Fury Bloodthirster, this variant is better in every way, which is why he costs a lot more. But hey, when he is summoned he is free! You get 2 weapons for +1 attack, a heavy flamer, and what is essentially an assault D3 plasma pistol. You also get preferred enemy characters, which really helps this guy out in challenges. The extra shooting and attacks makes this guy great to summon when you are fighting hordes, or lots of stuff with an armor save of 4+. His extra guns actually make him good enough to stay in the air and shoot for most of the game if need be. This is also a good tactic against flyers. Between vector strike and his D3 plasma pistol he can do a lot to help win the skies.
The Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage: This is the Bloodthirster that everyone should be talking about. Being able to create this guy really really helps fill 2 holes in a lot of chaos lists: destroying heavy armor and destroying Deathstars. While 1 is not enough to ensure victory against a Deathstar or some knight titans, 8 D attacks on the charge has the potential to change any game. Creating a D-Thirster can give you a fighting chance in a game that could have otherwise seemed unwinnable. Against a Deathstar build or any number of knights, the more of these guys you can make, the better! They are also a great answer to any kind of heavy armor, such as dreadnoughts or Land Raiders, which Daemons can struggle to kill. I plan to have 5 on standby. Just in case!
And so, with the new FAQ new life has been breathed into the Bloodthirster, which is great, because it is a phenomenal model. Hopefully all chaos players will embrace the Bloodthirster and use it to smite the foes of Chaos!
Blood for the Blood God!