It’s Hammer Time (Again) New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineA new rumor engine is out and it’s got some serious likeness to a rumor engine we saw earlier in 2019. Check them out and tell us what you think.

Warhammer Community dropped a new rumor engine right on time. Except it’s a rumor engine that we’ve pretty much seen before. It’s not hard to tell that the latest rumor engine and a rumor engine back in 2019 will be more than likely going to the same faction.

A Bit We’ve Seen Before? New Rumor Engine Emerges

rumor engine 2-4-2020Looking at the latest bit to hit the web, it looks like we’re seeing the business end of a maul/hammer. Whatever the material is that makes the actual hammer part looks like some kind of carved stone.

granite maulAnyone remember the granite maul back in the good days of Runescape? 

Anyway, all cosmetic things considered, it looks like a near copy/paste from a bit we saw back in October 2019…

rumor engine 10-1-19The hammer above is obviously smaller and for whatever reason, doesn’t look nearly as detailed as the brand new one from above. So the question is, did GW do a last-minute redesign on a mini before it hits the spotlight? Or are these two units that will have different weapon options. Maybe one is a one-damage weapon while the other hits for multiple?

At the end of the day, if these do end up being the same hammer, just redesigned…Or are actually two weapon options for a coming unit, there are too many similarities for them not to be from the same faction. The ornate handle design just before the hammer are almost exactly the same. -Some might even say….Aelven in nature.

What do you think this bit could be going to in the days ahead? Is this bit just a redesigned version of the old bit from 2019? Or will they both have their place on the tabletop? 

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