Join us Saturday for our first 6th Ed Tournament!

By Rob Baer | July 26th, 2012 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits) will be hosting a 40k Rogue Trader Tournament Saturday July 28th.

We’re also doing a new prize structure for these events, $100 minimum in store credit.

So regardless of how many people show up, the prize will be at least $100 split among the four prize winners!  Of course if more that 10 people show up, then the prize pot goes up as well!

Also, starting now we will be implementing a new Painting component, It will NOT be mandatory for players to play with painted armies, but it will be highly beneficial and encouraged.

Even if you have a three color minimum or at least your army is primed you will receive some kind of score.

6th Edition Rule Adjustments: 
1. The only fortifications allowed from the new 6th Edition rulebook will be the Aegis Defense Line with the following stipulations; no section may extend outside of your table half, nor contact any other piece of terrain. You must provide any fortification you field.
2. Allies can be taken as described in the rulebook.
3. There will be no mysterious terrain, objectives, or warlord traits.
4. The missions with objectives will have modified objectives.
5. Power Weapons must be modeled WYSIWYG.  No modeling shenanigans or changing your loadout between games.

1. General Information
Location: FTW Games
Entrance Fee: $10
Prize: 100% payout as FTW Games store credit, or $100 minimum (in store credit) whichever is greater!

2. Schedule (estimate)
Registration @ 10 AM

3. Registration
This event is first come, first served. A spot may be reserved by calling or emailing FTW Games (804) 464 1873.  Lists may be submitted for review. Although this is encouraged, it is not required.

4. Things You Need To Bring
Each player is responsible for bringing the following items:
• Your army
• Dice (d6, scatter, and artillery)
• Measuring device(s)
• Templates and objective markers
Three or more copies of your list. Lists must be printed and must have the stats for every unit, including saves.
• Army Book for your army. Although not required, it is suggested that you bring the current errata and FAQ material for your army.

5. Army Restrictions
1850 pts per player Standard Force Organization.

Forge World units with the “40K” stamp, and units that were updated in the 6th Edition FAQ from Forge World are legal for play as well. Super Heavies/ Gargantuan Creatures are however not allowed.

If you have any questions please contact us prior to the event!

WYSIWYG: Units must be WYSIWYG. Any model that fails to meet this requirement will be instantly removed from play (at your opponent’s discretion). Conversions and ‘counts as’ are allowed within reason (judges’ discretion).

NEW! Painted: Armies do not need to be painted to play, but will receive a score based on the degree of hobbying done.  So that being said, wouldn’t it be sweet to have a whole painted army to play with?Painted figures play better!

6. Bracketing
Opponents will be randomly determined for the first round. Swiss pairing (using just the gaming score) will occur in the second and final round.

7. Prizes
All entrance fee money will be “the pot”, even from those that drop out. This money will be divided among the top winners as follows:

  • Overall Champion: 40%. This is the player with the most overall points, includes the battle points for all three rounds.
  • 2nd (Best General): 30%.
  • 3rd: 10%
  • Highest Painting Score: 20%  (if there are not fully painted armies present, this award becomes “Players Choice” as rated by the players they fought!

If a player wins multiple awards they will only receive the award with the highest prize and the award for any other category they have won will go to the runner up in that category.

Feel free to ask any questions.