JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Action Figure: Unboxing & Review

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor rDon’t miss our unboxing and review of the JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Action Figure, as we give you our thoughts on the design!

Rob is back unboxing the new JOYTOY action figure and sees how big it is, how it looks, and what type of articulation it has.

We are going to show you everything including the bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Action Figure: Unboxing & Review

Click here to get yours on eBay or Amazon or Entertainment Earth now.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 2This is the figure we’ll be taking a look at today and you can still get some from other sellers for cheaper than the $150 price tag from GW. This kit is huge at over 12″ tall! The box itself is about 12″x13″.


JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 3


JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 5Everything comes in a nice pre-cut foam insert, and everything seemed to stay very safe in transport. Plus, just look how big this thing is!

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 4The Marine that comes with it can’t wear the backpack while fitting in the suit, but all the parts are removable so no worries there.


JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 6There is a little bit of hollowness when you play with this, but that’s actually a good thing since you don’t want it to weigh a million pounds. The feet and everything also go on super easily, so no worries about building it.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 7There is a lot of articulation, with over 40 points. Even the little fingers on the fist move around, with three points on each finger! The gun moves a ton as well, so definitely pretty cool. The weapons do pop off, but it only comes with one weapon.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 8The Marine fits in pretty well, and there is even a joystick for him to steer around with and his feet even fit on the pads below.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 9The main thing to watch for is when you put the cage back down, it can pinch the shoulder pad of the Marine if you’re not careful.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 10There are a ton of cool poses you can get this into and it even stands on its own and swivels at the waist!

Size Comparisons

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 11This is huge! It’s easily bigger than a Warhound Titan and bigger than most 40k minis in general but maybe not all the Forge World stuff.

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 12It’s so big it can even hold a Marine in its hand! Overall a really cool figure and Rob is pretty impressed with it. Honestly, his only point of contention with this figure is that the flamer and the pistol grip hand for the mech only comes with the Space Wolves version!

Click Here Get Your Invictor Warsuit!

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