JOYTOY Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans Spotted!

Joytoy-action-figures-warhammer-40kMore new JOYTOY Space Marines Action figures are happening as official Bladeguard Veterans have been spotted!

JOYTOY has been bringing the heat with their 1:18 scale Warhammer 40k Space Marines Action figures, but these might be some of the coolest so far, as they have an insane number of pieces!

Let’s take a look at their latest large-scale figure, the Invictor Warsuit, and then what’s on the way!

JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit

JOYTOY space marine alongside his Invictor.

Standing 30cm tall with 45 articulated joints, hydraulic rods in the thighs, maximum stability, special gear joints let this beast of a toy stand tall in an incredible array of poses.

For those countries that have landed astronauts on the moon, this thing is basically a foot tall! Okay, fine, the size of the Invictor Warsuit is 11.81 inches according to Google, but still…

JOYTOY space marines action figures INSIDE his Invictor Warsuit.

I guess the only question left is, who’s going to be the first one to try and slam the new JOYTOY Librarian action figure into the Invictor Warsuit? Probably a Blood Angels fan if we had to guess!

Size Comparisons

JOYTOY Action Figure Invictor 11This is huge! It’s easily bigger than a Warhound Titan and bigger than most 40k minis in general but maybe not all the Forge World stuff.

So we know JOYTOY can large-scale Warhammer 40k Space Marines Action figures, but may even be better at the smaller ones! Let’s check out the new stuff.

JOYTOY Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans Spotted!

JOYTOY BladguardThey look pretty awesome! With a ton of options and both helmeted and bare heads.

JOYTOY Bladguard 2Just like with all their past releases, these have a ton of articulation and can be posed in all sorts of ways.

JOYTOY Bladguard 3Even from the back, these are really cool!

JOYTOY Bladguard 4You would not want to mess with a squad of these!

JOYTOY Bladguard 7


JOYTOY Bladguard 6


JOYTOY Bladguard 5When all the bits are laid out, there are just so many pieces! You will really be able to equip these guys like the vets they are!

Rumored JOYTOY Warhammer Action Figures Still on the Way

According to  Fauxhammer these are the latest rumored new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action figures that are still potentially out the way.

  • Primaris Assault Space Marines – Ultramarines (CONFIRMED)
  • Death Company Space Marines (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Librarian (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour (SPOTTED)
  • Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Black legion (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marine Terminators – Black Legion (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Champion – Black legion  (CONFIRMED)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Thousand Sons
  • Orks 

Fauxhammer said they cannot confirm these rumors, but the community seems to agree with them so far from what we have seen.

Apparently, this is all also just in 2022, so if that’s true, we could see an insane number of figures before the year is out.  Either way, it looks like we don’t have long to wait now to see if these are true, as we already know the Librarian and war suit are official.

With quite a few left, it looks like we will either see a ton very soon, or they may have delayed their plans…

If you want to get your pre-orders in for any of the JOYTOY Warhammer Action Figures, most are currently up on eBay and Amazon now.

Click Here To Get Your 40k JOYTOY Action Figures

Will be picking up any of these JOYTOY Warhammer Space Marines Action Figures?

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