June 40k Release Schedule REVEALED

By Rob Baer | June 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

GW_Nottingham hq
One one piece of the puzzle left, and June is on lock. Come see what to expect new from Games Workshop though July 11.

First off it’s a bunch of Space Marines, and then a splash of Fantasy, but one question mark remains, what will June 27th bring?

June 6 – SM Assault Squad, Upgrades and Decal Sheets

June 13 – SM Codex, and Devastators

June 20 – SM Librarian / Chaplain (assuming because Chaplin leaked at the same time), and ?

June 27 ?

July 4th – Pre Orders for Fantasy Age of Sigmar (generally no product released this weekend)

July 11th – Age of Sigmar

So after today’s White Dwarf teaser leaks for the 20th (see below) we’re still in the dark on what else will be releasing that week.
Conventional wisdom says that with a Dark Angel model spoiled it could also be the Unforgiven as well.  If that’s the case, it’s not too hard to imagine that the rumored Tzeentch Daemonkin / Dark Angels Starter box could come out the following week on June 27th.
Via Timotheus on BoLS Lounge

Hints for the week after the Devs (WD Issue 72) are:
Utilizing the Empyrean (translated from german)
– Space Marines
– ‘Eavy MetalAge of Sigmar Preorder starts 4th of July.

Question is, will the Dark Angels drop on the 20th, and if not will we see them on the 27th?
We know there is one of those wacky re-directs out there for a new Dark Angels book, and that they are NOT part of the new Codex Astartes release as well.
Only time, and  few spoilers will tell! The unforgiven may be on us in just mere weeks, followed by a Fantasy reboot!

Games Workshop Rumor Roundups