Buy The New Kateryna & Sergiy Ukraine Fundraiser STL: Victoria Miniatures

Ukraine STLThe new Kateryna and Sergiy Ukraine Fundraiser STL From Victoria Miniatures will get you a cool file and help out all in one.

Victoria Miniatures is always coming out with some of the coolest bits and hand-crafted minis on the market. If you’ve been looking for a way to set your army apart, especially Imperial Guard or any human army, you really need to give them a look.

This is something a little different from them, but no less awesome! If you want to grab a really cool file and help out, this is a great way to do it.

The STL is available now, and they have two levels you can support at, so you can do more if you want. This is also not the first time Victoria Miniatures has ran a fundraiser, so let’s jump into it.

Kateryna and Sergiy Ukraine Fundraiser STL: $9.99 or $19.99

Victoria Minis UkraineThis is just a really cool file by itself, so always great to get some new files and help out. If you love what Victoria Miniatures is up to, check out what she has been releasing lately.

Victoria Minis Ukraine 2Let’s hear what she has to say about the new file and fundraiser. 

Like people all over the World, I have been distressed and heartbroken by the terrible events unfolding in Ukraine and the suffering playing out daily on our screens. I am seeking to raise funds for the UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Appeal.

Many of you will remember the Victoria Miniatures Australian Bushfire fundraiser from 1999, which I set up in response to the horrors unfolding on my doorstep. The incredible efforts made by Vic Minis supporters all over the World, resulted in $30,000 AUD being donated to the Australia RSPCA, to help wildlife, pets, and livestock impacted by the fires.

I am calling again on this wonderful Hobby community. I am offering an Exclusive Miniature ‘Kateryna and Sergiy’, Sculpted by Patrick Keith. They are available as a .STL download, and as a fine resin kit, cast by our friends at Trenchworx. I would be thrilled if you could participate in any way you can. This may be by purchasing the Miniature, making your own charity donation, or simply by helping spread the word. Let’s do this!

Thank you,
Victoria Lamb.

That does it for this one, now go grab a new file!

Click Here to Grab Your Own File & Help Ukraine!