Keep Your Jetbikes Safe With Magnetized Flight Stands!

magnet-baron-jetbike-stands-magnet-setsThese magnetized flight stands from the Magnet Baron will save your jetbikes from breaking and make them easier to carry!

The Magnet Baron regularly comes out with some of the best accessories for all tabletop gaming! It often focuses on magnets, but if you want to future-proof your minis and keep them safe and stored easily, you must check them out.

This time, they focus on stands that can be used for jetbikes, jetpacks, and even some smaller vehicles!

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

Medium Small Posable Magnetic Flight Stands: $17.99

Jetbikes Magnetized Flight StandsOne of the things that breaks all the time is flight stands! With these, you can store your minis more easily and not worry about those thin sticks breaking!

Jetbikes Magnetized Flying StandsHere are the specs on this kit:

  • Posable, collapsable, sturdy, these kits are your complete solution to make magnetic flight stands for your jetpack and jetbike infantry.
  • With thick clear flight stands and the highest grade N52 Neodymium Super Magnets, you won’t ever have a snapped unusable flight stand.

Jetbikes Magnetized Flight Stands 3

  • The Posable line of flight stands have a magnetic ball and socket joint allowing you to swoop and pivot your models left right forward and backwards. 

3 Sets Medium Small Flat: $17.99

Jetbikes Magnetized Flight Stands 4These are a little bigger and perfect for beefier jetbikes or units like the Talos. Again, it will keep them safe and easy to transport!

Jetbikes Magnetized Flight Stands 5Here are the specs on this set:

  • Custodes Vertus Praetor
  • Dawneagle Jetbikes
  • Destroyers Allopex
  • Talos

Jetbikes Magnetized Flight Stands 6

Sturdy, magnetic, and collapsable, these magnet flight stands are made to help you transport and play with your models on the tabletop with their flight stands intact.

These are skimmer stands that won’t snap in half for no reason.

Click Here to Get Your Magnetized Flight Stands For Jetpacks & Jetbikes!

Use coupon code Spikey10 off to get 10% off!