Knock Out Painting Tons of Tyranids With This Tutorial

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to PaintHere’s how to paint Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranids without much hassle, but get great results with the latest painting tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies.

With the new book out, it’s time to get painting up your forces! If you’re planning on going with this Hive Fleet, you need to get good at painting Tyranids and this painting tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much effort!

Let’s see how to paint Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranids from Max himself:

How to Paint Hive Fleet Behemoth: Hellfire Hobbies Tyranids Painting Tutorial

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to Paint 3He starts with a black primer on the whole model, then, he’s going to airbrush one of the two main colors, as he doesn’t want to take the time to mask the model, and you can only do this for one of the colors. He’s going to choose to airbrush the red.

Step 1:

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to Paint 4He starts with Mephiston Red in the airbrush and hits the model from the top down. He covers pretty much all the flesh, but let’s some of the black come through as a way to create contrast later. Even though you’re probably speed painting these, he takes his time on this first step.

Next, he adds Evil Sunz Scarlet to the airbrush and just does this from the top very lightly. To shade the flesh, he breaks out the Carroburg Crimson and does a nice thin layer on all of the shaded parts. More of a glaze than an actual wash. 

Step 2:

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to Paint 5To start on all the carapace and hard areas, he breaks out black and does a good base layer everywhere he wants black. Be careful here because you don’t want to have to do touchups later. Next, break out the Kantor Blue and he starts highlighting.

He wants a lot of the black to stay, so he only hits some decent-sized highlights. Then break out Ahriman Blue and do the same process, but leave some of the Kantor this time. then, to finish this step off, he gets out the Nuln Oil and covers every black area. 

Step 3:

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to Paint 6Now, for the eyes, toxin sacs, adrenal glands, and other little details. He just uses Moot Green to hit the base coat of everything he wants to be highlighted. Then, goes back and does a highlight with Flash Gitz Yellow.

Finished Model:

Hive Fleet Behemoth How to Paint 2There you have it! A model that will look great on the table and only takes minutes to paint, hard to beat that!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link here.

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