Kromlech Dread Walker: Unboxing, Magnetizing & Build

kromlech dread behemoth walkerHere is our unboxing and build of the Kromlech Dread Walker that makes for a perfect Warhammer 40k alternative- check it out!

The hobby maniacs over at Kromlech have been a great alternative studio for some time now. Their alternative line is full of all sorts of bits and figures that will make your army look much cooler on the tabletop.

Today Rob is looking at their newest dread kit it’s just awesome and has pre-built slots for magnets, so we’ll also check out how to magnetize it! We will show you everything the kit comes with, how long it takes to build, and some size comparisons.

That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Kromlech Dread Walker: Unboxing & Build

Dread WalkrThe Kromlech site has so much stuff on there it’s insane! They have free shipping on everything over €150 and have something for everyone. If you want terrain, minis, or bits, they have it!

A lot of the stuff on the site is perfect for giving your army a certain look. Remember that this is boutique resin, so it isn’t the cheapest around. 

Dread WalkerBut today, we’ll be taking a look at a full kit and not just bits. So if you just want some awesome stuff for conversions, they also have you covered for that and plenty of full model kits! It is a little pricey, but if you want your army to stand out, it may be worth the cost. 

The Bits & Magnets

Dread Walker 2One really cool thing is that Kromlech can be carried by stores here in the US. So if you own a store, these are a really cool addition to any shop. They also come ready with everything you need ready for retail.

Dread Walker 3Even if you’re buying these for yourself, the packaging is amazing and does really well when shipped.

Dread Walker 4


Dread Walker 5When you get close to the bits, they look amazing and have so much detail! All the the parts look super easy to build so hopefully, we won’t run into any issues. 

Dread Walker 6


Dread Walker 7Plus, they already have this set up for magnets, which just makes building it so much easier, and you can easily future-proof your minis! It’s looking like the little slots are made for 1/16 x 1/32 magnets, which you can order here from the Magnet Baron in packs of 50 and 100. Use code Spikey10off to save even more.

Dread Walker 8These slots look like they will take 1/4 x 1/8 magnets, so just keep in mind you’ll need two sizes.

Dread Walker 9The main guns don’t come with magnet slots, but you could take some 3/16 and drill through that circle on top, and then put a little piece of metal on the other side of the gun.

Assembled Mini

Dread Walker 10It looks awesome when all built up and has a sturdy feel.

Dread Walker 11You could also magnetize the arms to come off if you wanted and also the rockets on top.

Dread Walker 12The tubes in the back are also really cool, and Rob was impressed with the design and how they fit in.

Dread Walker 13There was a little bit of cat damage done to the ammo feed, but before that, it fit perfectly and just looks great.

Dread Walker 14There is also a bit to close up the sarcophagus part, and you don’t even need to magnetize it because it fits on so well.

Size Comparison

Dread Walker 15Size-wise, it is pretty perfect to use as an alternative dread in 40k!

Dread Walker 16Obviously, it makes the puny Space Marine look small!

If you want to see everything they are coming out with and have for sale right now, check it out here!

Click Here To Get Your Kromlech Bits!

Have you used any Kromlech bits or kits yet- do they make good Warhammer 40k Alternatives?

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