Kromlech Making Changes After Fierce Pushback Online

kromlech pricingKromlech is making changes to its pricing and shipping policies after receiving some pushback online regarding the pricing of its newest kits.

Kromlech, a popular third-party miniature company, recently faced criticism online due to the pricing of their newest kits. The community had a lot to say about the high prices, and Kromlech seems to have taken those comments seriously. We’ll take a look at the community’s reaction, Kromlech’s response, and what they have already started to change.

Kromlech Making Changes After Fierce Pushback Online

We’ll show what started the issues below, but let’s start with some of the changes.

Kromlech making Changes

Thanks to our partnership with FedEx, we’re able to present you these new, lowered prices of our courier shipping offer for the European Union and the United Kingdom.
This is just the first of changes in our pricing policy that are yet to come.
Happy shopping, and stay tuned!

While this might not be a major price change, paying less for shipping is always a plus! They also mention they are working on lowering prices for the rest of the world, so this is a great start to keep prices cheaper.

Kromlech making Changes 2

An important occasion is on the horizon – another birthday of our webstore is coming! And this is going to be a birthday party like no other previously – we’ll celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Bits of War webstore!
Get ready for a suitable (and significant) discount to be revealed soon.

Next up, they are going to be running some huge discounts in April, so again, this is not a total change to their structure, but it definitely is heading in the right direction. They seem to have really taken the communities comments to heart.

Now, let’s see what started all the backlash in the first place.

The Community Reacts

This is where it all started to get a little wild for Kromlech after they posted images of their latest new releases that contained pricing that did not seem to agree with some folks. Here are some of the comments from hobbyists about Kromlech’s post (edited for grammar.)


I get it. You think if GW can charge silly prices then why can’t you right?
GW is the intellectual property leader in sci-fi 28mm gaming and the dominant brand in identity and build.

Kromlech is (one of) the companies (ies) that hijack Games Workshop’s success and use its crazy pricing and lack of customizable options as a marketing tool to sell its fans things that they might not be able to get anywhere else easily…

Wow, and people say GW is costly. They look nice, but not at 100 per tank.

I thought the idea of stuff like this was to be cheaper than GW not more expensive 
Nice models, of course, but you really need to rethink the pricing strategy. You make basically all of what you sell inaccessible to most gamers.

Sadly I must agree with most of the commentators. One of your competitors from UK offers an entire equivalent tank kit for about 3/4 price of the presented upgrade pack.

I think I’ll just stick to GW because it’s cheaper…. this is something I never thought I’d say in my life.

Obviously, people were not happy with the pricing structure for these kits, and they really let Kromlech have it. These are just a few of the comments, but there are plenty more like this on the post.

Products from third-party companies like this are generally meant to set your army apart and give you a different feel. Pricing for these products, of course, varies from country to country and even game system to game system.

One thing to keep in mind is that every company’s purpose isn’t to “be a cheaper alternative to GW.” Some companies are much more boutique and offer kits that are unique to many armies. This tends to have a higher value to kit bashers and collectors, which can be completely subjective to price.

So, overall, it might be a little unfair to think that just because a company isn’t GW, its products should just automatically be far cheaper.

Kromlech Vows to Do Better After Online Pushback

Here is Kromlech’s response to the pricing brought up in the comments for this product.

Kromlech Vows to Do Better

We wanted to clarify one thing because there has been some misunderstanding that we’re sorry for.

We indeed noticed your reactions to the prices of our new kits. Nonetheless, when we mentioned we’re trying to meet your expectations, we didn’t mean to change the prices of those new kits hastily.

About our pricing policy, we are looking into all the processes within the company and considering how exactly we can lower the prices for you on a much bigger scale. We ask for patience and indulgence. Such changes cannot be made in a day or two. We’re working hard to deliver the results that will satisfy you all.

Once again, we indeed noticed your comments and opinions. We approached them seriously, and – in a matter of a few months – you’ll be able to see the effects of the changes we’re proceeding with.

Kromlech is a pretty big company, so they can’t immediately lower prices without looking through their processes to lower costs. However, it is nice to see them respond and try to find ways to lower costs overall on a bigger scale, not just taking a shock reaction and lowering the cost of this one kit. They seem to have taken the community reaction seriously and not just brushed it aside.

Sure, we’ll admit this may indeed be a bit expensive for a kit to improve the look of your Land Raider. But at the end of the day, we all want the overall cost of the hobby to be cheaper (obviously). As we always say, vote with your hobby dollars how you see fit. If this upgrade kit has value to you, then go for it; if it doesn’t, then don’t.

kromlech logo

Again, we’ll have to see how things turn out, but Kromlech is vowing to do better, and it’s nice to see a company responding to the community like this.

To be fair, though, it seems a little ironic to us that people are blasting them online when they seem so unwilling to do so on the social media pages for a company that starts with Games and ends with Workshop. Imagine if GW actually had a reaction like Kromlech and vowed publicly to do better.

Wow, now there is a nice thought…

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