Kromlech Orctober: Warhammer 40k Alternatives Unboxing

Kromlech OrctoberHere is our unboxing and build of the Kromlech Orctober which are perfect Warhammer 40k alternatives that will make your army stand out! 

The hobby maniacs over at Kromlech have been a great alternative studio for some time now. Their Orc line is just awesome and will make your army look so much cooler than anyone else around.

In this video Rob is taking a look at a bunch of the Orc bits and minis! We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons.

That way, you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Kromlech Orctober: Warhammer 40k Alternatives Unboxing

Kromlech Orctober 2The Kromlech site has so much stuff on there it’s insane! They have free shipping on everything over €150 and have something for everyone. If you want terrain, minis, or bits, they have it! Plus, they recently upgraded their site, and it’s super smooth and way better than before! 

Kromlech Orctober 3But today, we’ll be taking a look at all their Orctober offering. These are upgrade kits and full model kits; that way, if you just want bits or full squads, they have you covered!

They are also running a bunch of sales right now for Orcs and even have a really sweet loyalty program. 

Kromlech Orctober 4As we said, you don’t have to buy full kits either, if you have a bunch of arms and heads lying around (or vice versa), you can just get the bits you need.

The Bits

Kromlech Orctober 5One really cool thing is that Kromlech can be carried by stores here in the US. So if you own a store, these are a really great addition to any shop. It makes a perfect little addition for people to grab that isn’t too much money. They also come ready with everything you need ready for retail. Even if you’re buying these for yourself, the packaging is amazing and does really well when shipped.

Kromlech Orctober 6


Kromlech Orctober 7When you get up close to the bits they just look amazing and have so much detail! 

Kromlech Orctober 8


Kromlech Orctober 9They have a lot of indents and pre-cut spots so everything should just slot together nicely.

Assembled Minis

Kromlech Orctober 11


Kromlech Orctober 10When you get the boss together, he just looks amazing, and the boar is just super cool! He even has an upgrade to the tactical rock, tactical wreckage!

Kromlech Orctober 12The kit comes with two different arms, and you could magnetize them if you wanted to.

Kromlech Orctober 13This goes together pretty easily, and the composition is just great overall. The only issue is you have to glue the rider down, but it’s not too big of a deal.

Kromlech Orctober 14This guy is pretty massive and makes this puny Space Marine look like a baby!

Orc Wild Tribez Squad Built Minis

Kromlech Orctober 15We’re also checking out the full squad you can grab!

Kromlech Orctober 16


Kromlech Orctober 17These come on 32mm bases, and they look great!

Kromlech Orctober 18There are a bunch of different poses, and the detail is just really high. The only issue is they don’t come with the big shoota options, but you could probably just convert one up.

Kromlech Orctober 19


Kromlech Orctober 20Overall, just some really great minis and a really fun way to spice up your army.

Be sure to check out the video below for all the insights!

If you want to see everything they are coming out with and have for sale right now, check it out here!

Click Here To Get Your Kromlech Orcs!

Have you picked up any Kromlech Orctober miniatures stuff yet?

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