Last Chance For Hangar & Bulwark Terrain Kickstarter

By Tim Roberts | April 30th, 2019 | Categories: 3D Printing, Kickstarter, Terrain, Warhammer 40k News


Don’t miss some amazing terrain files from M3Studios that helps to bring the Grimdark to your tabletop. Let’s take a look.

If you own a 3D printer and are in the market for some Sci-Fi terrain you are in the right place! Don’t miss out on the final days of this cool terrain Kickstarter!


Welcome to Hangar and Bulwark, a Kickstarter campaign featuring two sets of terrain designed with modularity and playability in mind.

Everything you see here is scaled for most 28mm games. Each STL file comes in many different pieces and is designed to minimize supports when printing on your 3d home printer.

The Hanger: $50



The Hangar can be used for different themed games, from retro-futuristic to grimdark to WW1-WW2 historical. It has loads of different modular pieces and can be made longer if need be. As the stretch goals become unlocked, many options will be available to make it into a complete workshop with a barrack, a comms room with various equipment, a medical bay and even a command center attached to it.

Various storage, crates, tools, pipes and accessories will be available to make this hangar the centerpiece of your base. See the Stretch Goals section for more details!

The Bulwark: $50


Fortify your base with this Gothic Themed Bulwark. It comes with loads of pieces that fit together to form an impressive and ornate barrier behind which your soldiers will stand their ground.

Use the pillbox Bunker to protect your commanders while your soldiers defend their positions. Install light artillery or heavy weapons into the protected artillery position and rain fire upon your enemies. Use the IronStorm Sentry to wreak havoc into the adversary with its heavy machine guns!

As the Stretch Goals unlock, you will have access to many options to make this Bulwark even more impressive with Inverted Corners, Brazeros and pikes, a Great Artillery Gun, a Gothic GateHouse, and so much more.  See the Stretch Goals section for more details! 

This is a great way to secure some amazing tabletop terrain. Make sure you visit the Hangar and Bulwark – Wargaming & Skirmish Printable Terrain Kickstarter and secure your files today!

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