Last Defence Kickstarter: 3D Printable Modular Trench Terrain!

Last defence KickstarterThe Last Defence Kickstarter with tons of amazing 3D printable modular trench terrain is live right now- check out what you can score!

If you want your table to look like a true Grimdark battlefield, then this is going to be the KS for you! It is all for 3D printing, so you will need a printer to take advantage of everything, but if you do, then this will fill up your table in no time.

The project is already funded, but at the time of writing this, there are only a few days left. So if you want to support, do it now, or you’ll end up missing out on all the awesome files.

Last Defence Kickstarter: 3D Printable Modular Trench Terrain!

Last defence Kickstarter 2Since this is their project, we’ll let them tell you more about the project:

  • Modular terrain – There appeared to be a lack of terrain available where players could set up their gaming table to feel like they had creative control. Last Defence gives you that freedom to create designs from compact emplacements…
  • Terrain with character – Too many clean or simplified designs were also an issue, but with Last Defence not only do you have the option for the Basic trenches, but you can also have pieces that look like they’ve been through hell!

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  • Storage – Even if you had modular scenery they were either a balancing act for tall scenery or when transporting or storing pieces they just ended up being too large or cumbersome. Well with the Last Defence pieces they easily fit in your hand, are super easy to setup with their simple slide design (no need for gluing) and are small enough to pack away, leaving lots more space for your garage.

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  • And so “The Last Defence – Concrete Trench Collection” was created for unique modular and connectable sci-fi trench terrain for war games and role-playing games (eg 40k, Necromunda, Infinity, Star Wars Legion, Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Kill Team, etc). Along with the potential to have 100 plus pieces the Last Defence – Concrete Trench Collection includes pre or unsupported STL files for both resin and Cura files for FDM printers. 

Pledge Levels

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BASIC PLEDGE: You will receive the Basic Concrete Trenches including and all Basic versions of the unlocked stretch goals. Private use only.

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DAMAGED PLEDGE: You will receive the Damaged Concrete Trenches and all Damaged versions of the unlocked stretch goals. Private use only.

Last defence Kickstarter 7Or you can go big and get everything at once with this pledge for both!

Stretch Goals

They have already hit a bunch, but there is more to go!

Click Here to Support the Last Defence Kickstarter!