Latest New Double-Sided Mat & Restock From Gamemat EU!

Double-sided Mat featureThe new Double-Sided Mat from Gamemat EU features a cyberpunk city and Mars, both perfect for games of 40k or sci-fi!

Game Mat EU has so many great hobby accessories, not only mats! While we’re focusing on the mat side of things today, they also have great products for terrain, accessories, and are even making STLs

If you want to see the quality of their mats overall, check out Rob’s unboxing of some of their other mats here. For now, though, let’s look at these great new mats! It’s always fun to be able just to have everything already measured out for you, it takes out the need to worry if you’re doing it right and speeds the game right up.

Restock From Gamemat EU

40k Competitive Mats

Finally, we have battle mats in stock! We are very sorry for all the delayed pre-orders! We are shipping all the pre-orders this week.

This is great news if you have been waiting for your mat! so, no need to worry, as they are shipping out once again! Now, let’s jump into the new mat!

Double-Sided G-Mat- Cyberpunk and Mars:

Double-sided MatThey actually have three sizes of this one, so whether you want big or small, they have you covered! Plus, you can buy these as single-sided mats, but for the price, it’s better just to grab a double-sided one and get more out of your games!

Double-sided Mat 2Here are the specs on this one:

Battle mat (play mat or game mat) is suitable for Warhammer 40 000, Age of Sigmar, Star Wars: Legion, X-Wing and other board games and tabletop war games.

Double-sided Mat 3

– one design from each side of the mat
– rubber based (mousepad material) battle mat with highly detailed printed design
– 44×60 inch size (111.8×152.4cm)
– lays perfectly flat, no dog ears
– 2 mm thick durable rubber base
– weight 3 kg
– anti slip
– water proof
– no light reflections
– softens rolling dice sounds
– smooths model movement
– soft protection for dropped models
– adds amazing cinematic effect to your games
– turns your tabletop into a real battlefield
– battle bag included

Double-sided Mat 4If you love what Game Mat EU is up to, check out what else they have been making here!

Click Here to Get Your Own Game Mat!