Leader of the The Flesh Tearers: Gabriel Seth Lore

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-flesh-tearers-titleGabriel Seth leads the rage driven Flesh Tearers to battle after battle, hoping to find salvation in the flames of combat!

The gene-seed of the Flesh Tearers is more afflicted with rage than any other chapter. They scour the galaxy for enemies of the Imperium and eradicate them with the love of the Emperor in their hearts. If you liked crazed marines, Gabriel Seth lore is for you! Put on your battle face and let’s learn about some lore!

Taking Control of the Chapter

It wasn’t too long ago that the Chapter was given to Gabriel. When you’re handed a new chapter, you need to make some changes! His first act was to repair the rift between the Flesh Tearers and the Blood Angels. Even for the Blood Angels the Flesh Tearer’s ways were a little too barbaric and blood-hungry. Seth even made the trip to Baal in good faith to show he was taking things seriously. He told anyone who would listen that he would bring the Tearers to heal and stop their displays of wanton destruction. He would restore the Chapter to glory once again!

But the news he heard was far grimmer than he expected. He was told by the gathered Sanguinary Priests that the rate at which the Flesh Tearers succumbed to the Madness, or death on the battlefield could not be sustained. They were a relic of the past that would wipe themselves out in the course of two Terran centuries. They were being abandoned by their comrades and their own gene-seed. Sometimes problems do just work themselves out… But Gabriel Seth is a strangely reasonable man for a Space Marine of the Flesh Tearers.

He vowed to bring the Chapter to glory before the end was met. He understands extinction is coming but wants the Chapter to go down in glory. Not some footnote of history. Very early on in his career as Chapter Master, he made his mind up for all of them. They may be on the brink of extinction, but they won’t go down without a fight!

gabriel seth

Going Down With a Fight

He didn’t let his intentions go without a grand announcement. He let the entire galaxy know that despite the obvious future, their last years will go down in history. Not as some bloodthirsty monsters but as staunch defenders of the Imperium. He constantly mounts patrols through the edges of Mankind where the denizens of Chaos are known to lurk. Their planet has become little more than an automated factory that sends supplies to the legions. By staying on constant alert they are often some of the first responders to beleaguered planets.

Where they were originally seen as a nuisance, now they are seen as a Godsend. Planets besieged by the forces of Chaos have come to be eternally grateful for the Marines. When they show up, they will not stop until they have saved the planet in the name of the Emperor. Their counter-attacks are so devastating that sometimes no other reinforcements will need to be called. They may be gone before two hundred years pass, but they won’t go down without restoring their name in all of the Imperium. Gabriel would never let the Chapter fall before their name has been cleaned of all the evil connotations!

Gabriel SethThat does it for this quick history and Gabriel is one of the more interesting characters in 40k.

Learn More about Gabriel Seth & the Flesh Tearers!