Leagues of Votann Alternatives From Dusk Realms Patreon!

Leagues of Votann Alternatives featureIf you want some amazing Leagues of Votann alternatives, you must check out the Dusk Realm Patreon!

These are for 3D files, so obviously, you need a printer to take advantage of them, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see someone possibly pick up a commercial license to print these out for sale, as they are that cool!

This month has many files, so you get some great bang for your buck. Plus, you get some great additional bonuses when you support, so even if you just want the files we show today, you’ll get even more! Let’s jump into this month’s files.

Leagues of Votann Alternatives From Dusk Realms Patreon!

Leagues of Votann AlternativesWith the models GW has previewed, these would work perfectly to supplement your army or just print out whole squads of them.

If you want to compare them to the recent releases, be sure to check that out here.

Leagues of Votann Alternatives 2Here’s what they have to say about the files:

We will send you a link to download these troops by Patreon Messenger!

Space Dorfts are citizens of planet MID-0R1Y4. Due to high gravity force, these people could hardly grow any taller than 4’5. However, the planet is blessed with plentiful resources which allows the Space Dorfts to stride quickly in terms of technological advancements. MID-0R1Y4 is currently under a Siege of a Tyranoid Fleet. Thus, the Dolgr armor was invented. The suit is created to enhance its user’s abilities, senses, and is well equipped with firearms and close combat weapons.

Leagues of Votann Alternatives 3


Leagues of Votann Alternatives 4As you can see, these would make for some of the coolest alternatives we’ve seen! They have plenty of detail; you could get your army printed out before the codex drops. Plus, who doesn’t want more Squats options?

Leagues of Votann Alternatives 5


Leagues of Votann Alternatives 6That does it for this one; now go get yourself some amazing alternatives!

Click Here to Get Your Squats Alternatives!