Leagues of Votann NERFed Again in New 40k FAQ

Leagues-of-votann-faq-warhammer-40kThe Leagues of Votann have been NERFed again with a new Warhammer 40k FAQ.

The 2023 metadata came out from Games Workshop, and the Leagues of Votann were at about a 55% win rate which isn’t anything too crazy, but it looks like GW is still figuring out what to do with the faction. This is a pretty small FAQ, but nothing helps the faction (except for one small change).

However, it’s pretty standard for GW to release an FAQ after an army has been out for about a month, so while it’s not unexpected, getting two FAQs this fast never feels too good (you can find the first one here).

Leagues of Votann NERFed Again in New 40k FAQ

Leagues of Votann FAQ

First, it makes sense that you can only have one Uthar in your army as he is a named character, so nothing crazy there.

The Bolt Cannon goes from HunTR 2 to HunTR 3, so a nice small buff.

Next up is where things go a little worse for the Leagues. It says in the codex that you make a roll for every unit in the shot’s path. However, they never said anything about friendly units; the examples only show enemy units.

So now, you can never put units in front of your Beam weapons, which will make your positioning much more complex, or you have to be willing to hit your own units. It’s hard to tell if GW always wanted it to hit friendly units, but now it does for sure!

While this isn’t the biggest thing ever, it doesn’t help the army. This is everything that is changing, but you can download the whole thing for yourself here!

What do you think about the latest new Warhammer 40k FAQ for the Leagues of Votann? 

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