LED Powered Tau Shine at 40k Warzone Atomic GT

By Wesley Floyd | June 24th, 2018 | Categories: Army Showcase, Tau, Warhammer 40k News, Warzone

tau joe johnson

Warzone Atomic Empire hosted a 40k Grand Tournament recently and this LED powered Tau army shined over all others at the event.

Warzone Atomic Empire was run by East Coast hobby maniacs Horton and Twitchell. At over 50 players the event attracted some stunning armies that we captured for you.

Warzone walTau Strike Force

Hobby Maniac Joe Johnson outdid himself with this army! Wearing orange and a pastel purple, this army pops and really catches your eyes from standing across the room. Some models even have LED lights on them. For the greater good, Gue’vesa!

Everything in this army screams unity. The colors all match and glowing weapons and targeting systems make everything pop.

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Looking at the list, it doesn’t seem half bad either. Having 3 Ghostkeels with 2 Fusion Blasters a piece, maxing out the Commander allotment, and sprinkling in some Kroot for screening purposes seems pretty strong.

This army is very infiltrate-heavy having 5 total units that can start outside of his deployment. Being able to have units on objectives before the game even starts can secure the early game points that can be totally game-changing. On the other hand, going against another infiltrating army could turn into a real chaotic slug match.

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Look at the beautiful glow on the Ghostkeel’s weapons and helmet lenses.  We can’t forget about those pesky drones and their savior protocols. The player made sure he threw in enough to keep his suits protected. Chewing through 6 stealth drones would be annoying, to say the least.

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Kroot got some love in this list. That’s not something you see too much of in 8th edition.

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Look at the LED lights popping out of the crevices of the battlesuits. Does this inspire you to try your hand at glowing effects?

Want to see more there’s a whole video to do it some more justice.

Warzone Atomic Empire event may be over but the Warzone Atlanta is coming up soon! Get cracking on your army to have it in tip-top shape for Warzone’s next event. At the end of the day, Warhammer is a hobby as much as it is a game on the tabletop.

Warzone Atlanta will be held on November 9-11th so grab your ticket and tidy up your army. We hope to see you there.

warzone atlanta

More on the Warzone Events