LEGO Blood Angels Dreadnought Kit?

By Rob Baer | December 17th, 2023 | Categories: Blood Angels, LEGO, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors
It’s the ultimate 40k ‘What If’. Come see what would happen if LEGO and Games Workshop collaborated.

Nicolas Ulloa SeronVia Andrew Clark CG Art

The Lego Dreadnought was created using Lego Digital Designer (LDD)
LDD is a free programe from I aim to buy the parts build the
model, then photograph it and create box art so it looks like a real set.
I still need to add pipes/tubing in places but LDD does not handle it well
or have many parts that bend, so I will do that in the physical model.
A digital program that lets you make models before you buy the parts. I think LEGO is on to something here folks! How many more 40k projects would you have if you could render you creations first in 3D?