Let’s Play Find The Ratling! – 40k Webcomic


Come play find the Ratling in this week’s Eagle Ordinary 40k Webcomic!

Hello SpikeyBits crew! I’d like to take this moment to recognize the Departmento Munitorum. Thanklessly delivering the vital resources every Guardsman needs to get the job done in the Emperor’s name.

And when they give you the wrong stuff, it’s only because they know you can handle the job anyway! Or because you fall within acceptable casualty parameters and they couldn’t be bothered.

For those of you interested in the comic creation process/graphic stuff in general, our illustrator will be doing a live tutorial on Saturday, 3pm EST, and it will be open to the public for questions and feedback! We have more information on our facebook page: Eagle Ordinary Facebook 

Checkout All The Previous Comics, Right Here!

As you were, Ordinaries!

About the Author: Richard McKey