Liber Daemonica Busts: Unboxing & Build

Liber Daemonica BustsDon’t miss our latest unboxing as Rob takes a look at the newest busts from Liber Daemonica- check it out!

The hobby maniacs over at Liber Daemonica have been an excellent painting studio for some time now. They’ve recently gone the retail route and added a bits/minis store to their lineup.

Today Rob is looking at the site and a bunch of the bits they have that make for a great hobby project.

We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons. That way, you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Liber Daemonica Busts: Unboxing & Build

Liber Daemonica Busts 2Their new site is well laid out and smooth. They have all kinds of bits on there and multiple sections for so many different factions! But obviously, plenty of busts as well!

Liber Daemonica Busts 3The cool thing is, not many companies make really cool busts like these, so if you want a big painting project, these are perfect!

Liber Daemonica Busts 4Lastly, before we get into the busts, they all have plinths which are not to be underestimated, considering both the Golden Demon winner from this year had plinths on them.

Built Busts

Liber Daemonica Busts 5The resin is a little bit lighter than normal, but there is a ton of detail and texture in this model, making it perfect for a painting project!

Liber Daemonica Busts 6The busts come in parts, so you can build them up and add on what you want. This one also comes with a helmeted version.

liberAll the resin is high-quality, and they come in nice bubble wrapping. For size, the shield is bigger than a Space Marine, so there is plenty of room to work your painting magic on this!

Liber Daemonica Busts 7


Liber Daemonica Busts 8This also comes with two head options and just all the detail you could want. Plus, the heads just pop in and out, so you can paint both up and have options.

Liber Daemonica Busts 9This one is a little simpler in terms of armor but gives you a lot of space to show off your painting skills.

Liber Daemonica Busts 10


Liber Daemonica Busts 11Last but not least is the Noctis bust! This is probably Rob’s favorite, as it’s the biggest and just looks fantastic. If you love Chaos, you might as well pick this up.

Commission Work

Liber Daemonica Busts 12They actually painted up Angron for Rob in exchange for this video, and they are excellent painters with a giant commission studio. If you need your army or models painted up, they are a great place to look!

Be sure to check out the video below for all the insights.

Click to Get Your Liber Daemonica Miniatures Here

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