Lightsaber & Power Weapon Technology Discovered?

By Rob Baer | February 20th, 2014 | Categories: Star Wars, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Looks like some professors at MIT and Havard have made a discovery that could possibly lead to the production of Lightsabers and Power Weapons.

Basically they found a way to “create” light molecules, that seems legitimate.

From the article;  To create their lightsaber molecules, or “photonic molecules” as they’re being called, Lukin and Vuletic had to create an environment where weightless photos would begin to act like they have mass. Once this was accomplished, it was relatively simple to coax the affected photons to bond with one another, creating molecules.

The process by which this was achieved, Lukin explains, is much like shining a laser through a glass of water:

So I’m sure you can see the obvious nerd uses for this right off the bat.

Checkout all the details from the article over on Dvice-MBG