Load Up on Wrath & Glory RPG Cheap: 40k Humble Bundle!

gw-humble-bundle-warhammerTime is ticking on this deal; get almost $200 in Warhammer 40k RPG Wrath and Glory books for just $18 in the latest Humble Bundle!

Humble Bundle has another listing available for some solid RPG titles. There are different tiers, so you can pay what you feel obligated to for the content. On that note, at the time of writing this, there are about twenty days left before it ends!

So don’t sit around and miss out if you want anything in the bundle, as you won’t find this kind of value again soon!

While there is still a little bit of time to score this, better to just get it now and not wait around!

Load Up on Wrath & Glory RPG Cheap: 40k Humble Bundle!

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle

Grab your d6s and embark on a grim and glorious journey in a system cut off from the Emperor’s light in Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory! This tabletop RPG bundle features everything you need for limitless Warhammer 40,000 adventure, including the core rulebook, guides to vehicles and space hulks, exciting scenarios, and a wealth of resources for players and gamemasters. Prepare for dark, epic sci-fi roleplaying, and help support Children’s Health Ireland with your purchase!

The last bundles we covered were for Deathwatch and Rogue Trader, but they have a different RPG style this time around! Here is everything available in the last bundle we featured on the RPGs!

Now let’s check out the contents of the current 25-item bundle that can net you a $189 total value for just $18!

Pay Just $1

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle 2The first tier is pretty sweet, and for only a dollar, you get three books and a coupon! Pretty hard to beat that. Considering these are all RPGs, you get a great amount of lore to go off and potential playtime! Most of these books are relatively well-received and would make for great sessions. 

Pay $10+

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle 3The $10 level unlocks more RPG books and some really cool titles. If you haven’t had a chance to try these yet, this is a no-brainer! If you spend more than ten bucks on lunch, you might as well get some entertainment.

Pay $18+

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle 4This level gets you 25 items with a lot of RPG options and some interesting new titles.  If you need to buff up your reading and RPGs for the next couple of months, you might as well go big for $18.

Click Here to Get The Wrath & Glory RPG Cheap

If the Humble Bundle isn’t your thing, Audible Premium Plus always gives you free Black Library books with your monthly sub.

black library on sale

Click Here To Get Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!

How much do you like the Wrath & Glory series of RPG books? 

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