The Unbeatable 40k Army Lists From Lone Star Open 2024

chaos space marines meta warhammer 40k wal hor

Unlock victory with the top Warhammer 40k army lists featuring CSM, Tyranids, and Orks from the 2024 FLG Lone Star Open.

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.

Warhammer 40k: Unbeatable Army Lists From Lone Star Open 2024

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand 1

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.


Frontline Gaming LSO 2024 Warhammer 40K Champs top 8


3rd Place: Nathaniel Bjorge – Tyranids

tyranids wal hor





2nd Place: Clifton Russell – Orks

orks Warhammer 40k hor wal


Clifton “Murica” Russell 1


Clifton “Murica” Russell 2


Clifton “Murica” Russell 3


Clifton “Murica” Russell 4

1st Place: Derek Apsche – CSM



Derek Apsche chaos 1

Cypher led Derek’s CSM list for a solid solo model, a Dark Apostle for support, and two Dark Communes for some super efficient bodies that will also pair with some upcoming cultist squads to help them out.

Derek Apsche chaos 2

The last character is Fabius Bile for a durability support option.

Derek Apsche chaos 3

Troops start off with five Cultist mobs for a ton of close-range chaff units that can pair up with characters to become more annoying and help control the board.

Derek Apsche chaos 4

Six units of Traitor Guardsmen offer more chaff, this time leaning slightly more to the side of ranged chip damage.

Derek Apsche chaos 5

A Rhino then follows those to bring in a few more shots and offer a single unit some protection in the early turns. This is the only non-infantry model in the list of 195 miniatures, believe it or not!

Derek Apsche chaos 6

Two units of Accursed Cultists and a Chaos Spawn bring in more close-range wound-soak units, which can hopefully help inch out some objective points or prevent your other units from taking shots.

Derek Apsche chaos 7

The list ends on allying in a Nurgling unit, Daemonettes, and Seekers, all of which are cheap melee models that can help tie enemy ranged threats up in combat.

There you have it: the top Warhammer 40k army lists from the FLG Lone Star Open were ruled by Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Tyranids.

Derek’s Chaos army came out on top thanks to its focus on chaff controlling the board and efficient threats backing them up with even more bodies.  Overall, studying these army lists offers some insight for newer Warhammer 40k players and pros alike.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists from the FLG LSO?