Looks Like Squats & Space Hulk Rumors Were True… Also Robot

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopIt looks like both the Space Hulk and Squats er Leagues of Votann rumors are true, but maybe just in a slightly different setting; Kill Team!

It wasn’t that long ago GW gave a reveal trailer for the Squats (on April 1st no less) and it appeared they were in a Space Hulk. That got us all excited and the Squats proved to be totally true with the Leagues of Votann, now, it seems we’re getting both!

Warhammer Community unveiled a teaser trailer for the upcoming Kill Team expansion and a new robot mini. While they didn’t directly mention Squats in the article, we think it’s likely. However, there is a possibility that this has nothing to do with the Leagues and is just something else entirely different, but we don’t think so. We’ll compare the evidence, but the videos are just too similar! Let’s check it out!

Looks Like Squats & Space Hulk Rumors Were True…

There were rumors for a long time now that Space Hulk would return near the end of summer 2022, and it looks like those are true! The video below turned out to be for squats, but it obviously was also a little hidden teaser for Space Hulk!

Here’s the initial video for the Squats’ return, and as you can clearly see, it takes place on a drifting space hulk! Now, when you compare that to the new video, it starts to look like there is no other option than Squats.

Far from these war-ravaged killzones, however, a new frontier beckons. The void of space contains great danger – and even greater rewards…A new Kill Team release is on its way, and it’s more claustrophobic than ever. We’re entering the void of a drifting space hulk. In such oppressive confines, no one knows what’s around the corner – except for the fact that it’s definitely not friendly.

When you look at the video, there are just way too many similarities, especially with the way they focus on the door (even though it’s slightly different).

Squats and Space HulkEither way, it’s awesome to see Space Hulk return in some fashion, even if it is for Kill Team. We’re not sure exactly how they will incorporate it with the rules, but we hope for something big. Aside from this, they also released another little piece of evidence that this is for Squats coming to this edition of Kill Team.

New Robot: C.A.T.s, or Cyber-altered Task Units


These strange machines – known as C.A.T.s, or Cyber-altered Task Units – may look like a young Tech-Priest’s first school project, but they’re a key reconnaissance tool fitted with the best pict-capture devices a quartermaster can supply.

While this isn’t the most revolutionary mini ever, who doesn’t love little robots? This does have imperial insignia on it, so it might lean toward something, not Votann, however, in their lore post today, they revealed a similar little robot in a picture with a Squat.

Leagues of Votann loreDo you see that little guy in the bottom left? Who knows, everything points towards Leagues of Votann in Space Hulk, but it could be something entirely different.

Or perhaps it’s the launch of the new Leagues of Votann into Warhammer 40k. One thing is for sure, whenever Games Workshop goes out of their way to not say anything, the obvious is generally true…

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Would you like to see the Leagues of Votann in Space Hulk before Warhammer 40k?