Lore Miniatures Altirvun 2 Kickstarter: Unboxing

Lore MiniaturesThe Lore Miniatures Altirvun 2 Kickstarter is full of amazing Imperial Guard Alternatives- check out Rob’s thoughts on the project!

The hobby maniacs over at Lore Miniatures did so well on their first KS that they have decided to run another one! The files in this project will make for some of the coolest alternatives out there!

Today Rob is taking a look at the KS site and a tone of the printed models themselves too  (the KS is just for the files)! We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons.

That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go! 

Lore Miniatures Altirvun 2 Kickstarter: Unboxing

Lore Miniatures 2This was the first Kickstarter they ran, and it went really well! So obviously, they decided to do another one!

Lore Miniatures 3The new Kickstarter started on May 10th and has even more amazing files in it. One thing Rob really likes about this project, is the first KS was like a starter set of files and they actually delivered on it and gave everyone the product from the project, and more. It’s just good to see them continuing and expanding on the initial project.

Plus they already have tons of art and concepts for even more on their new Kickstarter project!

Lore Miniatures 4These are some of Rob’s favorite files from the whole project, and we actually printed one of them out! It’s also just really cool to see their sketches and how they came up with everything.

The Kickstarter Page Preview

Lore Miniatures 5Moneywise, you can pledge CA$55 and get a ton of files! They also have a bunch of bigger tiers where you can get all the files that come with the project!

Lore Miniatures 6One other of his favorite files is this Rustwalker, and he printed one out, so we can see how it looks “in the flesh”!

Lore Miniatures 7They also have a merchant tier, which means you can print out the minis and actually sell them!

Lore Miniatures 8They have a ton of vehicles, flyers, and artillery as well!

Lore Miniatures 9They have some insane stretch goals as well! Just look at this one, it’s a snow speeder squadron!!!

Printed Minis

Lore Miniatures 10You can see just how well this prints out and there are so much detail and wild design features on this!

Lore Miniatures 11


Lore Miniatures 12They are sized pretty well but just a hair bigger than the existing Guardsmen and DKoK guys.

The tyrants, which would make awesome Ogryn alternatives, just look awesome! The shield is really cool and Rob loves this mini.

There is also some really dope calvary!

Printed Vehicles

Tank-wise, you have this great alternative that would make for a perfect Chimera if you like it more. You can also magnetize the weapons if you wanted.

Next up, you could use this as a Hellhound if you wanted!


Lore Miniatures 18The gunship printed out amazingly and there was only a single print line on the whole thing. Overall, the detail is insane and Rob just loves it.

Click Here to Support the Kickstarter!

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