Low Down Sneaky Gitz: Ork Kommando LORE

By Tim Roberts | August 19th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Kommando FeatureCome and see why some humans have trouble falling asleep at night. As we find out more about the deadly alpha strike tactics of the Ork Kommandos!

The Ork Kommando is a little different from most other Orks as they prefer to hide and strike when the enemy isn’t looking rather than face them in combat. Let’s find out more about these sneaky gitz.

Via: Lexicanum

Ork Kommandos epitomize the Orky virtue of low cunning. Nothing makes a Kommando happier than creeping up on an unsuspecting enemy, his mates slithering through the undergrowth at his side. When the time is right, the Kommandos will burst from their concealment, slashing, stabbing and shooting their stunned prey before they have a chance to strike back.Kommando

Kommandos are viewed with suspicion by the majority of Ork Boyz, on the rare occasions they are viewed at all. These small-unit specialists do not socialize with the other Orks, and sometimes exile themselves from the tribe for months at a time, even permanently divorcing themselves from their warband in more extreme cases. The Kommandos prize intelligence and initiative, and some of them are even able to read. Not for them the thrill of a massed charge or a turbo-powered race to the front line in a badly-made trukk.

Instead a Kommando gets his kicks from slitting throats and spreading panic behind enemy lines before launching a perfectly timed ambush. The horrified look on the faces of their prey, who assumed they would be able to see the Ork attack a mile off, is tremendously rewarding to the members of a Kommando mob. These scare tactics are epitomized by Snikrot of the Red Skull Kommandos, whose name is a byword for terror upon Armageddon.

Likewise, the Imperium, on first being told of these “specialist” orks, was disbelieving, taking it as dogma that Orks are completely incapable of such subtlety, and that none of that species could ever enter combat except in a large mob, with ostentatious armament and bellowing noise.

It is common for each Kommando to have a specialist role within the mob, and have a nickname appropriate to his role, such as ‘Fireboy’ or ‘Throatslit.’ Their organized and militaristic outlook means that young Stormboyz often develop into the Kommandos instead of rejoining the right-thinking Ork boyz at the heart of each warband. Kommandos are most often found among members of the Blood Axes Clan who also prize planning and kunning plans above headlong charges.Kommando

Kommandos are usually looked down upon by most of the orkish society, believing that “all dat sneaky round stuff just aint what da orks do”. But no warboss in his right mind would refuse their services. Kommandos put on camouflage and hide around in cover, using stealth, espionage, guerrilla warfare, and other methods of stealth combat to kill their foes. On the field of battle, Kommandos will assassinate enemy sentries and destroy gun emplacements to give the rest of the ladz a better chance of reaching the enemy lines unscathed thus playing important role in any warband.

Orks Glyph

Find Out More About The Ork Kommando!