Magnetize All the Warlords for Adeptus Titancius

By Rob Baer | August 20th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

We unbox and build the new Warlord titan showing you all the gotchas you need to know, and how to magnetize the kits as well.

The BIG freaking robots are taking over the tabletop. Let’s take a look at the Warlord Titan expansion for the new Adeptus Titanicus from Games workshop!

Today we peek inside the Warlord Titan for the new Adeptus Titanicus from Games Workshop.

Let’s see what you get in the box and what this big boy looks like when its all assembled.

Warlord SprueAs we start off this video, Rob gives us the rundown on the three sprues that come in the box. He tells us some of the similarities between this kit and a full-size Warlord Titan from Forgeworld as he wrestles with his feline roommates over the plastic wrapper.

Warlord Instructions

From legs and torsos to all the weapon options. We also get to dive into the full instruction book and see how easily this kit goes together, along with any “gotchas” along the way.

At this point, we are keeping an eye out for magnetization options for the weapons so you can upgrade your titan in the future.

Titan Legs

Don’t let your Titan miss out on leg day!  We get some pro tips about how to put the lower half of your Titan together along with subassemblies that will make it easier to paint.

Magnets Titan

Now let’s talk magnets. In our unboxing and build videos, we like to give you ways to save your hobby dollars and one of the best ways to do that is magnets.

In the case of the Warlord Titan, we get to see just what you need to do to future-proof your Titan for new weapons upgrades, 8x 5mm x 1mm magnets for the weapons

Warlord Titan

Last but not least we get to see it all come together accompanied by a base from Elrik’s Hobbies. Rob Showes off his new toy fully magnetized and ready to paint.

He also goes over a few tactics for your Warlord Titan in future games of Adeptus Titancus as well.

This new kit is an amazing work of art by Games Workshop. Make sure you check out our full unboxing and build video below. So you can be in the know when it comes time to build your Warlord Titan!