Magnets & Airbushes, How Do They Work?

By Rob Baer | January 1st, 2013 | Categories: Airbrushing, Product Review, Warhammer 40k News
Ever wonder what airbrush I used to paint all the models in my project albums

Well look no further, the future of your painting hobby may lie with this unique airbrush simply called a Grex.

My buddy Alec did a great write up on these guys recently at Feast of Blades (which I copied below), and as it just so happens he also owns a Grex as well.  
For me I just don’t have enough time to paint as much anymore, so I need to maximize my time when I do get hobby time, and that’s where airbrushing comes in!
Want to save tons of time painting your minis too? Checkout some of the stuff you can do with your very own airbrush in these articles
So besides using them myself, I also have Grex Airbrushes in stock and ready to ship over on the Spikey Bits Online Store. Plus most of us here at Spikey Bits own one as well, so if for some reason you can not get a hold of Grex for help, you can always call us and we’ll give it the old college try as well!
From Apocalypse 40k:Grex is an amazing young airbrush company making impressive products and starting to spend more time catering to miniature hobbyists.  

I met these guys two years ago at the first Monsterpalooza convention in LA and immediately bought an airbrush and compressor.  What is unique about the Grex line is that they make pistol grip DOUBLE ACTION airbrushes that allow you to use an airbrush in a different way than a traditional double action airbrush.  

With a traditional double action airbrush you have to push down the top lever to create air flow and then pull back for paint flow.  It isn’t intuitive and takes a while to learn.  

A Grex pistol grip airbrush changes all that.  You simply pull the trigger to create airflow.  You hit a friction point, sort of like on a clutch, and then you pull it even more to create the paint flow.  The more you pull, the greater the flow.

There are a bunch of advantages with this.

1)  The ergonomic design means your hand doesn’t get tired holding an airbrush in an unnatural position.  

2)  You don’t have two planes of movement which you need to move the trigger as with a traditional airbrush.  No down and back, just back.

3)  The mechanism is much easier to clean.

4)  Superior paint control with fine line and general coverage performance as well as the air brush being less prone to clogging.  Here’s why:  when you release the trigger the paintflow shuts off before the air flow, therefore you don’t have residual paint in the gun nozzle when you start the flow of air again like with traditional double action air brushes.

 Tritium TG – Dual Action Pistol Style Airbrush, Top Gravity Feed

 Tritium TS – Dual Action Pistol Style Airbrush, Side Gravity Feed

Grex does make a range of traditional double-action airbrushes

Grex also makes an amazing air compressor that is very quiet

You can get the complete line of Grex products from my favorite online retailer Spikey Bits.