Make the Tau a Culexus Assassin – CONVERSION

Featured Image1 tau spector

Need to shut down those pesky Librarus Conclaves? Come see how to make the Tau Spectre – allies Culexus Assassin!

When it comes to psychic defense the Tau are lacking, so most players often go with an allied Culexus Assassin. So I decided to do the same and convert mine to look the part.

Now Tau may have little presence in the warp but they are not null or pariahs, nor do they favor close quarters so a Tau assassin was out of the question. I did consider the idea of converting a unique alien assassin who’s race was allied or part of the Empire, but given that this was an allied proxy I thought it best to simply convert a Culexus Assassin miniature to make it more recognizable .

Tau Assassin

I decided to stick with the Human look because the Tau Empire are steadily getting more and more Imperial worlds joining their empire. So it makes sense that there is a chance they’d encounter and research the Pariah gene and train a loyal Gue’vesa agent to counter the ‘Mind Science’ of other races.

It is an easy conversion to do so I’ve included a small breakdown of the parts for any other Tau players who would like a Spectre of their own…

Tau Spectre How to build