Make Way For Our Lord! Atomic Empire Dark Angels Army Showcase

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The Dark Angels were making way for their Lord at the Warzone: Atomic Empire. Check out this plasma-toting force for yourself!

Warzone: Atomic Empire was a qualifier event for Warzone: Atlanta later in the year. With people fighting for a slot, there were some awesomely painted competitive lists! Check out this Dark Angels force that took to purging the Fallen.

Army coming from Vincent Glanville

Make Way For Our Lord! Atomic Empire Dark Angels Army Showcase

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Forming outside of a fortress-monastery, these Dark Angels were spotted packing a serious plasma-punch as well as some ancient Sicaran tanks. Awesome display! But let’s go deeper.

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Rolling out technology since before the Heresy, a Sicaran Punisher and Battle Tank were spotted moving into action. Between a mass of Heavy Bolter and Autocannon shots, this list was already starting off on the right track.

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Of course, being a Dark Angels list, you have to bring plasms. And this list brought it. Six total Inceptors all armed with plasma exterminators were supported by Hellblasters inside of a Repulsor.

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Looking at the Repulsor, It’s got a flat-crisp paint job rocking the classic Dark Angels heraldry that any self-respecting Dark Angel would flaunt. But beyond that, even the individual units have their battlefield roles marked on their shoulders. Now that’s a level of detail you don’t see too often!

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Lastly, to make sure he had enough CP to operate all-game, Scouts were brought along making for one of the cheapest/highest value Troops option available to the Astartes.

Great army overall and great job bringing a dope display board out to play! The Dark Angels would surely be proud.

What do you think about this list? How many points of Dark Angels do you have? Are Inceptors best with plasma or assault bolters? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!