Make Your Minis Pop With The Army Painter Quickshades!

Army Painter Quickshade KitIf you are looking for the best way to make your minis pop with detail, check out the great Army Painter Quickshades kit!

The Army Painter has been one of the best and most affordable paint companies for years now and their Quickshades are a staple in many hobby toolboxes.

Quickshade Washes Set: $34.99

Army Painter Quickshade Set



Quickshade Washes Set




Quickshade Washes Set


This set contains eleven Quickshade Washes. These Washes are probably the best in the hobby and will get you perfect shading every time. Plus the option of adding a color tone to your miniatures. All Quickshade Washes (bottles) are a 100% color match to the corresponding Quickshade Varnish cans.

Get your wash game on lock! Make sure you visit The Army Painter and secure your Quickshade set today!

Find Out More At The Army Painter!