Math Hammer is Finally a Real Thing! 40k Stats Engine (App)

math hammer 40k stats engine appIt finally happened, Math Hammer is now real. There’s a new in-depth stats app out there that have to see to believe! Check out the 40k stats engine!

Coming from a user on Reddit named Uily, they’ve made an incredibly useful tool on 40k units. If you’re in the business of list building or are trying to discover the best way to use a certain unit and its weapons, Warhammer 40k Stats Engine is a paramount resource you’ll want to use. Check out the details.

40k Stats Engine: Math Hammer

ork walComing from the creator, they had this to say on Reddit:

Hey everyone, this started as a personal project of mine to build a computer model for the probability distributions of dice rolls in 40k. Tools like mathhammer8thed only produce the average result for attacks. It’s ok for basic analysis or where the number of dice rolled is large, but for high variance weapons like a las-cannon, it can be misleading. What I wanted to find was the actual probability distribution of the damage. I found a pretty efficient way to do this without the need for a Monte Carlo approach, so I decided to turn it into a web app for the community.

40k stats engine 1When you pull up the app, you’ll be met with a graph broken down by the probability of minimum wounds dealt vs. the actual wounds dealt. You can also title what you’re comparing at the top so you don’t get confused later on.

40k stats engine 2To work the values, you plug in what you’re shooting at and the weapon that you’re shooting it with. Then, you’ll get a graph pop up that shows you the percentages of what kind of damage output you’d potentially get if you were to roll it out on the tabletop. Note that this isn’t a basic graph that just spits out a single number of your average damage output. This is a graph broken down by the percentages of minimum damage you could deal with the whole string of probabilities of damage included. (It’s basically more in-depth).

You Can Compare Weapons At the Same Time

40k stats engine 3If you’re wanting to compare weapons against the same target to see which one may be best, you can also select another profile tab at the bottom of the screen and plug a separate set of values in. You’ll see a second graph charted showing the probability/actual damage output just like the one before.

side note: We hope you aren’t debating taking Boltguns over Missile Launchers to take down a Knight- but if you are shine on you crazy diamond, shine on!

As we’ve said before, what makes this tool especially useful is that it doesn’t just give you the averages of what you’ll be seeing. You can check out the probability of each point of damage for your volume of shots. And you don’t have to do complicated math in your head when you try and compare two weapons competing for the same role in your army. We definitely recommend you play around with the app! You might find that one of your weapons is more lackluster than you originally thought.

40k Stats Engine: Math Hammer

What faction do you play in 40k? Do you Math hammer in your free time? What’s your go-to Knight killing weapon?

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