Mecha WAAAGH! 2020 LVO Orks Army Collection

grot waaagh walThe Greenskinz launched a full Waaagh! with plenty of Orks tech. Check out this dope armored-up artillery-packing list spotted at the 2020 LVO.

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Let’s check out this Ork army that loaded up with mechs and artillery.

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

This army comes to us from Karl McCamish with Deff Dreads painted by Anthony Villa.

Mecha WAAAGH! 2020 LVO Orks Army Collection

grot waaagh 1Going right into one of the centerpiece models for the army, this Deff Dread was spotted rocking a weapon from just about every kind of Bloodthirster there is. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but it’s probably safe to say this pilot is a badass.

grot waaagh 2No good Warboss is fully ready for battle without a Gretchin closeby to hand him a grenade. But more than likely, he’d just throw the whole Gretchin down-range.

grot waaagh 3With some machinery hitting the table it old made sense to see a Big Mek also make the list for that dope 5++ invuln. And getting a closeup on the model, this is one of the best painting jobs we’ve ever seen for Ork skin. Fantastic!

grot waaagh 6Now get a load of all these Gretchin! With so many bodies, you’d think they’d have an important job to do, right? Right!

grot waaagh 7


grot waaagh 5They were in charge of laying down the firepower with a Traktor Kannon gunline. Each one of these had a laser ready to eat straight through ceramite like a hot knife through butter and those little T2 guys definitely pulled their own weight in battle and looked great doing it!

Awesome job on this army and way to bringing some unlikely Ork units to the tabletops at the LVO!

What do you think about blue paint jobs on Orks? How big is your Ork collection? Are you all-in on one Clan? Or do you like to play Ork soup in your games?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!