Mechanicon ’09- Death From Above

Well I just got back from the Mechanicon GT ’09. I ended up taking best overall in 5 grueling games against some very good opponents. The GT was great with a lot of tough missions and amazing terrain.

The great Jawaballs was in attendance with his Blood Angels, but unfortunately we did not get a chance to play.

I took my Ork Guard army which is all converted to look like looted Imperial Guard vehicles. The centerpieces of the army are two “Mega Deff Koptas”, that are basically vendettas with a helicopter prop. There is also some cool Hydra and Manticore conversions as well.

I should have some pics up of all the conversions shortly, but the preview from above should do the trick for now.

Here was my list for the GT.

1850 Rebel Orks

  • HQ: Company Command Squad Meltagun (x4); Astropath; Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Elite: Psyker Battle Squad 5 Psyker 1 Overseer Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Elite: Inquisitor, Mystics x2
  • Troops: Veteran Squad Shotguns(x5); Meltagun (x3); Demolitions; Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Troops: Veteran Squad Shotguns(x5); Flamer (x1); Meltagun (x2); Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Troops: Veteran Squad Shotguns(x6); Plasmagun (x2); Veteran Weapons Team (Lascannon); Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Troops: Veteran Squad Shotguns(x6); Plasmagun (x2); Veteran Weapons Team (Lascannon); Chimera Heavy Flamer
  • Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery x2
  • Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher
  • Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher
  • Fast Attack: Devil Dog Melta Cannon; Heavy Flamer
  • Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship
  • Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship